DTCC Work Order Management System For computer issues on the Stanton & Wilmington Campuses
Brief Introduction The work order system will be your primary method of reporting issues and requesting work. Some features include: Accessible from work or home. Allows you to track the status of orders. Gives an opportunity to provide feedback.
Getting to the Page Login to MyDTCC ( Click on the My StanWilm tab. Click the link leading to the work order system.
Welcome! A quick explanation of the system will tell you that whenever you see the help icon, you may hover your mouse over it for a tip regarding that feature. You may click the ‘Submit’ link at the top or the ‘Submit and Review Work Orders’ link at the bottom to continue.
Select a Problem Type Select the appropriate problem type from the above list and click ‘Continue’ to move on. Quotes/Evaluations requires Dean and Department Chair approval – you will be asked to confirm this approval before submitting. Please note the distinction between a ‘Toner Request’ and ‘Printer Problem’ and use the appropriate item when requesting your help.
Select a Campus When selecting the campus, please select the campus on which the work is to take place. That is, if you’re located on Stanton campus and you have an issue on a piece of equipment in Wilmington, select ‘Wilmington’. For better response times, the orders are sent to different people depending on the campus selection – selecting the incorrect campus may delay your work. Note: If you inadvertently select the incorrect campus or problem type, please click the ‘Logout’ link at the top and begin again.
Entering Work Details For most staff and faculty, information such as your , name, phone, and office should be automagically filled in for you. If not, please complete that information as well. If you work on multiple campuses, please only provide the information at the location we’re most likely to contact you at. Please be as descriptive as possible in the description. If the equipment is in a different room, please furnish that information. What happened leading up to the issue, what it should be doing, etcetera. If it is a computer, monitor, or printer, please locate the asset tag – this will ultimately allow us to plan preventative maintenance. Click the ‘Continue’ button to move on.
Confirm & Change Verify the information and click ‘Change’ if you wish make a modification to what you’re submitting. Note: On this screen, you will not be able to change the information – you must click ‘Change’. If everything is correct, click ‘SUBMIT WORKORDER’.
Tracking Your Order When you login and go to the Submit and Review screen, you will now see a list of your current work orders. Our order is for Wilmington, assigned #5, gives a brief description. It is currently ‘Reviewed by Tech’ and has an initial expected complete date of 3 days after submitted, but may be completed sooner. Click on the Order Number (5 in this example) for a more detailed view
Order Detail Here you will see some detailed information on your order – some may not be relevant to your issue (‘Recurring Issue’, for instance). Ignore this. As you can see our technician has entered a note indicating that toner is currently being brought to Wilmington from Stanton. When a work order has been completed by the technician, the Campus Manager will review the notes and then close out the order. At that time, an notification will be sent to you – included in the will be a special link back to the website.
Satisfactory Rating You will be asked to log in to the website – afterwards, you will be redirected to a page similar to the one pictured above. We ask that you take a moment and rate your experience with a satisfactory rating of 1 – 5. Any feedback is appreciated and will help us provide better service to the staff and faculty. We ask that you give an honest and accurate rating, as this information may be used for ESOA assessment purposes.