Rich countries use a lot of electricity??? How many items have you got plugged into sockets in your rooms???
Most energy in today’s world is consumed by rich, developed, first world, Western countries. Western societies also tend to be wasteful with the energy they use.
We in the worlds North (developed countries) make up 25% of the earths population, yet consume 85% of the energy. Why is this???
Renewable Energy Renewable energy can be used over and over again without getting used up. Ex. wind, tide, water and solar.
Non-Renewable Energy finite Energy sources that are finite or can be used up are called non-renewable. After they’re used they can’t be used again. Ex. coal, oil, gas and peat.
Animation showing the formation of fossil fuels
Future NRG As can be seen from this graph by the year 2030 global energy should be 75% non-renewable and 25% renewable. The reasons for this are to combat global warming but also to come up with a solution to the depleting fossil fuels.
What are the messages behind this cartoon?????
BP oil spill
Can you think of some advantages of oil??
That’s funny!Y ou’re Gas!! Ah, you’re just well oiled!!
Advantages of Oil Releases a lot of energy Releases a lot of energy. Easily transported. Powers vehicles Heats homes Make other oil based products (Plastic)
Oil formation
The carbon cycle
Oil Case Study- Saudi Arabia
One of the worlds largest oil producers. Member of Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries.
Saudi Arabia- Before oil A land of nomadic people who roamed the desert. They were dependent of goats sheep and camels
Saudi Arabia: After oil One of richest countries in the world. High employment High standard of living Excellent education & health system. Excellent road network.
Why invest money in other business other than oil????
Because Oil is a finite resource Saudi Arabia has invested a lot of money in other industries so when oil does run out they will be able to get energy from other sources as well as having another way of making money.
The search for oil and gas in Ireland
expensive Looking for oil and gas is expensive work. Mulit- national companiesSHELL, BP and Marathon Petroleum That is why this is carried out by Mulit- national companies like SHELL, BP and Marathon Petroleum
Looking for oil and gas in the Celtic Sea Kinsale Gas was found by Marathon just off Kinsale. licences from the government Marathon got licences from the government to explore off shore blocks. sampled rocks They sampled rocks to discover if they held gad or oil. two production platforms and an underwater pipe. They built two production platforms and an underwater pipe.
Corrib Sea Dispute
The Corrib Gas Land Use Dispute Shell and other companies want to develop the Corrib Gas Field. Many fear this plan is dangerous to locals and the Shell to Sea group was set up.
(Dec, 2010)
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages associated with oil. Pair Work
Oil & Gas Advantages Disadvantages Oil & gas are excellent sources of power. May give rise to environmental problems. Contribute to global warming. Oil spillages pollute beaches, kill fish & wildlife.
Discuss the advantage and disadvantages associated with oil.
Fossil fuels – how much is left ? Why are these only ‘estimated’ reserves ?
Types of energy
Which type?