Research skills Data Bases Find it on the Computer
Database An index or catalog in electronic form. A library database generally contains citations and sometimes the full text of journal articles or books access – SJO web page – to Library Not considered an “internet” site
Illinois Heartland Library System Search by Subject, Title, Author Request a book Will be sent to SJO! LTLS - Public Access LTLS - Public Access
Online Resources Newsbank/InfoWeb InfoTrac/Discovering Collection SIRS World Book Medline
Database search tips Enclose phrases in quotation marks (ex: “gun control”) Advanced search Articles may be printed or e- mailed Can sort articles by “best match first” or “most recent matches first” Customized search allows searching by publication and date.
Newsbank InfoWeb Information in InfoWeb comes from: –Newspapers –Magazines (1991-present) –Maps
Newsbank InfoWeb Provides access to: political maps topographical maps, current news headlines, and full-text articles from a variety of sources… Remote login only
Newsbank InfoWeb Chicago Tribune (1985-current) Complete full-text content of local and regional news backfiles to 1985 Chicago Tribune Archives Images and full text of historical events including major wars, prohibition, Chicago gangsters, the great Depression, inventions, and sports.
Discovering Collection Database Thompson-Gale (publishers) Primary resources Cross curricular Dictionary Research tools
Info Trac Discovering Collection Reference Books Encyclopedias Biographies Remote login & Password
1. American Eras 2. DISCovering Authors 3. DISCovering Biography 4. DISCovering Multicultural America 5. DISCovering Science 6. DISCovering U.S. History 7. DISCovering World History 8. EXPLORING Novels 9. EXPLORING Poetry 10.EXPLORING Shakespeare 11.EXPLORING Short Stories 12.Gale Encyclopedia of Science, 2nd. edition 13.Newsmakers 14.UXL Biographies 15.Junior DISCovering Authors 16.Junior Worldmark Encyclopedia of the Canadian Provinces 17.Junior Worldmark 18.Encyclopedia of the Nations 19.Junior Worldmark Encyclopedia of the States 20.Junior Worldmark Encyclopedia of World Cultures 21. UXL Multicultural 22. UXL Science 23. Worldmark Encyclopedia of the Canadian Provinces 24.Worldmark Encyclopedia of the Nations 25. Worldmark Encyclopedia of the States 26.Worldmark Encyclopedia of Cultures and Daily Life
SIRS Researcher � � General Reference, Social Issues, Health, Science, Business
� SIRS Researcher � � contains thousands of full-text articles exploring social, scientific, health, historic, business, economic, political and global issues. Articles and graphics are selected from 1,600 domestic and international publications.
Medline Plus Database indexes medical literature and research Illustrated medical encyclopedia Interactive health tutorials Latest health news.
Medline Plus Health topics Drug information Encyclopedia Dictionary News Other Also available in Spanish
Medline Plus v/medlineplus/criteria. html v/medlineplus/criteria. html Produced by: the National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health
Now it’s your turn… Complete the assignment – Due tomorrow at the end of class. -Check your notes/handouts -Read your directions!
Now it’s your turn… Complete the assignment on online databases Next week: the internet!