Mathematics & UHM Library Sara Rutter Spring 2008
J. Sutherland Frame 1963 “The Library is the mathematician’s laboratory”
Context Academic libraries and scholarly publishing Resources Searching the databases and finding what you need –Hawaii Voyager –Electronic Resources Gateway –Mathscinet –Other Sources
Journal Publishing s
STM Publishing Journal $3.5 billion Database $1.3 billion Book $1.1 billion Index $1.1 billion USD (2002) OECD 2005
Serials +302% CPI +78% Books +81%
27% fewer serials purchased Monograph purchases up and down Expenditures up 230%
“ The importance of scientific publishing lies in its role in the production and diffusion of scientific and technical knowledge, and how this diffusion of knowledge drives economic growth and further research. ” (OECD 2005)
There are currently more than 2000 science, technology, and medical publishers; approximately 16,000 science, technology, and medical journals; and over 1.2 million articles published every year. (OECD 2005)
Open Access Movement
February 12, 2008 Harvard Arts & Sciences Faculty voted to license their research publications to the university so that those publications can be made accessible to the world in an institutional repository--the authors will retain copyright
NIH Public Access Policy “all investigators funded by the NIH submit… to the National Library of Medicine’s PubMed Central an electronic version of their final, peer-reviewed manuscripts upon acceptance for publication, to be made publicly available no later than 12 months after the official date of publication”
UHM Library ScholarSpace Place to archive data sets for long term access Place to archive publications for long term open access
Other Open Access Sites (HEP originally, now holds mathematics preprints) Numdam