FinELib consortium Negotiations and New Initiatives Autumn 2009 ICOLC, Paris th Oct 2009 Paula Mikkonen, Licensing Coordinator
FinELib consortium Finnish National Electronic Library –Centralized acquisition of electronic resources for Finnish libraries –National electronic library interface (NELLI) FinELib service unit at the National Library of Finland Consortium members –All Finnish universities (21), polytechnics (28), public libraries (348) + 39 research institutes Key figures – Turnover EUR 16,5 million, about 60 license agreements, 11 million article downloads (2009) Personnel – Licensing (6,5 persons), Nelli-portal & IT-development (4,5 persons) + admin staff
Negotiations 2009 Wiley - Blackwell Currently separate agreements for Wiley (consortium titles) and Blackwell (full collection) –15 Wiley and 18 Blackwell subscribers, 9 org. subscribing both Proposed a single license agreement for all current Wiley- Blackwell electronic journals –In practice completely new deal compared to current collections subscribed by libraries –What will happen to usage terms? A lot of discrepancies in title lists, no proper offer yet
Negotiations 2009 ProQuest (incl. CSA) and Nature ProQuest incl. CSA –Future of current CSA content is still unclear CCSC package prices and individual databases/ subject collections at substantially higher price Nature –Agreement negotiated in co-operation with other Nordic countries (since the first term 2002) –Nature’s offer has more moderate price increases than in the past but we hope to still improve
Negotiations 2009 Taylor & Francis Under negotiation for years Pricing: –Non-existent price cap for SSH package –High e-access fee –Still waiting for 2010 prices Unacceptable terms in the agreement –Scientific communication not permited –Affiliated sites should be listed in the agreement –Each organization will have perpetual access only for their current (2009) subscribed titles –License is governed by UK law –etc…
Negotiations 2009 Some general observations Licensing negotiations are behind schedule –Prices confirmed exceptionally late in several cases –Time consuming negotiations on journal packages: Checking large number of title lists takes a lot of time How to handle print cancellations Usage terms: –Terms negotiated earlier come up as ’new’
New Initiatives and Projects Pilot projects on licensing related to structural changes in higher education and other member library sectors –Licensing for smaller user groups (Univ. / Schools; Polytechnic / subject area)+ new user groups (comprehensive schools) National licenses for public libraries? National research publication database/repository The National Digital Library –a common user interface for the information resources of libraries, archives and museums (in operation in 2011) –digitisation of the most essential cultural heritage materials of libraries, archives and museums and –development of a long-term preservation solution for electronic cultural heritage materials (a detailed plan in 2010)