FYO6 Library – national library, regional access, cached copies Topic Hubs – review and revise as appropriate (QA/QC), centers may create new on individual basis Programs Directory – annual update News – –enter new resources as news items –National P2Rx feed –Subject-specific items appropriately displayed
FY06 (cont) Rapid Response – maintain, consider archiving responses RFP database – Centers input about six RFPs each Homes Across America – –Centers add two new resources –concentrate on states without profiles –every center link to HAA
FY06 (cont.) Mercury Reduction Programs Database –Forward info from your region as you see it –Every center submit programs or projects (50 nationally) Tribal P2 website –Centers point to this website –publicize at roundtable, etc.
FY06 (cont.) P2 Measurement –Post aggregation tool on centers sites –Participate and co-chair National Measurement task force