Freshman Guidance High School Information Graduation Plan for Class of 2020
Focus on the Goal: High School Graduation – 2020! Includes HB 5 revisions
Grade Classification Freshman 9 th grade Sophomore10 th grade(5.5 credits ) Junior11 th grade(12 credits) Senior12 th grade(18 credits) Freshmen students with 5.5 credits will move to WHS at the end of the year.
Graduation Plans Requirements Foundation Plan Foundation Plan with Endorsement and Distinguished Level of Achievement English44 -English 1 -English 2 -English 3 -An advanced English Course -English 1 -English 2 -English 3 -An advanced English Course
Graduation Plans Requirements Foundation PlanFoundation Plan with Endorsement and Distinguished Level of Achievement Math34 Three credits must consist of: - Algebra 1 - Geometry - An advanced Math Credit Four credits must consist of: - Algebra 1 - Geometry - Algebra 2** -An Advanced Math Credit
Math Specifics Examples: 8 th : PAP Algebra 1 9 th : PAP Geometry 10 th : PAP Algebra 2 11 th : PAP Pre-Calculus 12 th : AP Calculus/AP Statistic/College Statistics 9 th : Algebra 1 10 th : Geometry 11 th : Algebra 2 12 th : Pre- Calculus/Advanced Quantitative Reasoning/Engineering Math 9 th : Algebra 1 10 th : Geometry 11 th : Math Models 12 th : Algebra 2 Math Models must be taken prior to Algebra 2
Graduation Plans Requirements Foundation Plan Foundation Plan with Endorsement and Distinguished Level of Achievement Science34 Three credits. One credit must be Biology. The remaining two credits must be chosen from the following areas. No more than one credit from each area. - Biology -Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) -An Advanced Science Class Four credits. One credit must be Biology. The remaining two credits must be chosen from the following areas. No more than one credit from each area. - Biology -Chemistry or - Physics - An Advanced Science Class
Science Specifics One credit must be a Biology credit In addition to a Biology course, a student must select two credits from the following: IPC--May not be taken as final or fourth science. Must be taken prior to Senior year. IPC is not an acceptable Science on the distinguished level of achievement plan. Chemistry or Physics After successful completion of 3 credits from the Science listed above, students can choose an additional Science from the following:
Science Specifics Cont. 9 th : PAP Biology 10 th : PAP Chemistry 11 th : PAP Physics 12 th : AP Biology 9 th : Biology 10 th : Chemistry 11 th : Physics 12 th : Forensics 9 th : IPC 10 th : Biology 11th: Chemistry 12 th : Physics Additional Sciences currently offered: AP Biology AP Chemistry Environmental Systems Aquatic Science Astronomy AP Physics 1 & 2 Anatomy & Physiology Food Science Forensic Science Advanced Animal Science Examples:
Graduation Plans Requirements Foundation Plan Foundation Plan with Endorsements and Distinguished Level of Achievement History34 World Geography1 OR1 World History11 U.S. History11 U.S. Government.50 Economics.50
Graduation Plans Requirements Foundation Plan Foundation Plan with Endorsements and Distinguished Level of Achievement Physical Education Can take up to 4.0 credits of Athletics (Includes Marching Band, Athletic classes, PE Aerobics and PE) 1.0
Graduation Plans RequirementsFoundation PlanFoundation Plan with Endorsements and Distinguished Level of Achievement Foreign Language: Offerings: Spanish (Grades 8-12) French (Grades 10-12) American Sign Language (Grades 10-12) 2 Same Language 2 Same Language
Graduation Plans RequirementsFoundation PlanFoundation Plan with Endorsement and Distinguished Level of Achievement Fine Arts: Band Choir Art Theatre Arts Floral Design 11 Additional Components: Electives Two full credits (4.0 semesters): - State approved courses Three full credits (6.0 semesters): - State approved courses
Graduation Plans RequirementsFoundation Plan Foundation Plan with Endorsement and Distinguished Level of Achievement Total Credits 2226 *Students receiving special education services will have individualized considerations in their diploma plans based on the ARD committee decisions.
Graduation Plans Distinguished Level of Achievement * Requirements: -Foundation Program Requirements -Four credits in Math including Algebra 2 -Four credits in science -At Least One Endorsement **All students in WISD plan to graduate under the foundation plan with endorsement which means they automatically qualify to graduate with the multi-disciplinary foundation endorsement as all four core classes must be taken ALL four years.
Graduation Plans Performance Acknowledgements Dual Credit Course Bilingualism and Bi-literacy PSAT, ACT’s Plan, SAT or ACT Advanced Placement (AP Course) Earning a Nationally or Internationally recognized Business or Industry Certification or License
End of Course Exams (STAAR) Students will take 5 End of Course Exams. These include: English 1 & English 2 Algebra 1 Biology United States History
Endorsements: Business and Industry: 1. Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources Animal Science Agribusiness Mechanical Systems 2. Architecture and Construction/Manufacturing Architecture and Construction Welding Manufacturing 3. Arts, Audio Visual and Communication Graphic Design Fashion Animation Audio Visual Production
Endorsements: Business and Industry: 4. Business, Management and Administrative Business 5. Finance 6. Hospitality and Tourism Culinary Arts 7. Marketing 8. Transportation, Distribution and Logistics Automotive Technology 9. English Journalism
Endorsements: Public Service: 1. Education and Training 2. Government and Public Administration 3. Health Science 4. Human Services Cosmetology 5. Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security
Endorsements: STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics 1. Engineering 2. Computer Science 3. Mathematics 4. Science
Endorsements: Arts and Humanities: 1. Art 2. Choral Music 3. Dance 4. Color Guard 5. Instrumental Music 6. Social Studies 7. Foreign Language 8. English 9. Theatre
Endorsements: Multi-Disciplinary: 1. Four Advanced courses that prepare a student to enter the work force or post secondary education 2. Four credits in each of the four foundation subject areas including English 4 and Chemistry and/or Physics 3. Four credits in Advanced Placement or Dual Credit selected from English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Economics, Languages other than English or Fine Arts
Focus on developing: Good Study Habits Being Responsible Making Positive Choices Becoming Independent Planning Setting goals All Eighth grade students will need to meet with their school counselor to develop a high school 4-year plan.
Look out for: Attendance Concerns Missing Assignments Missing Credits—Credits are earned at the end of each semester Missing Deadlines
Rank and G.P.A. Top 10% receive guaranteed admissions to Texas state universities except University of Texas at Austin Grade Point Average (G.P.A.) will be calculated on a 4.5 scale for all students. Note: Pre-AP and Dual Credit (DC) classes receive an additional.50 weighting for G.P.A. (5.0 scale). Advanced Placement (AP) classes receive an additional 1.0 weighting for G.P.A. (5.5 scale).
Subject Load Weatherford Freshman will take 8 classes each term (Periods 1-8) WHS Sophomores and Juniors will also take 8 classes each term (Periods 1-8). Seniors may be eligible for early dismissal based on their selected coursework, grades, STAAR testing, etc.
Subject Load? Can freshmen students take all 4 core classes as Pre- AP? Answer is “yes” – Pre-AP is open enrollment, therefore; careful consideration must be given for additional commitment. Most students who are successful in Pre-AP classes make A’s and high B’s. Pre-AP classes are easy to get into and difficult to exit. Be serious about taking this class if you sign up. Suggestion: Keep it balanced.
Testing Opportunities High School End of Course Exams (required for graduation) PSAT – Practice or Competition – WHS ACT – College Admissions SAT – College Admissions ASVAB – Military TSI