Welcome to ‘Maths at Barry ’ information evening
Our aims for children by the end of year 6: All children… Are fluent in and have conceptual understanding of all four operations: addition +, subtraction -, multiplication x and division ÷. Can use informal jottings to support mental calculation and have developed an efficient written method for when they can’t solve a calculation mentally. Are able to explain their reasoning using mathematical vocabulary and visual representations such as pictures and diagrams. Can solve problems by applying their understanding of mathematics. Can work both independently and in cooperation with others. Have a positive attitude towards mathematics, are confident, resilient and take risks whilst having a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject.
What do we mean by fluency? Countdown!
‘Successful mathematicians’ are fluent, that is they… Understand the maths and can use a range of strategies to get to the answer. Are able to ‘talk’ about the maths. Can make connections e.g x 10 and converting cm to mm. Are able to use known facts to derive new ones e.g. if 3+5=8 then 30+50=80. Have a ‘sense’ of number. This all leads to conceptual understanding.
What do we mean by conceptual understanding? Diagram courtesy of L Price, Oxfordshire County Council.
How do we develop fluency and conceptual understanding? Through… Exploring number facts, patterns and relationships. Using number patterns to work out new facts: 2+6=8, 20+60=80, =800, = =10 1+9=10 2+8=10 3+7=10…
Teaching children a range of mental strategies: 6+8 can also be (5+1)+(5+3) or (double 5)+1+3= Supporting children to develop a mental ‘toolkit’ so that they can choose the most efficient method e.g. 18+5= ‘Count on’ = or ‘bridge the ten’ =.
Which strategy? How might I rearrange these numbers to easily find the total? 3, 4, 1, 2
Strategies to work out times tables… If you know 2x a number, you can double it to get 4x a number, then double again for 8x that number e.g. 2x3=6, 4x3=12, 8x3=24 If you know 10x a number, halve it to get 5x that number e.g. 10x3=30, half of 10=5 and half of 30=15 so 5x3=15 If you know 3x a number, you can double it to get 6x a number, or treble it to get 9x that number e.g. 3x3=9, 6x3=18, 9x3=27 If you know 6x a number you can add one more of that number to make 7x e.g. 6x3=18 + 1x3=3… 7x3=21
Target cards. In line with our new curriculum, the aim of our target card system is to support the children in developing ways of working out maths facts that they can use easily (fluency.) To help with this target cards now have a new look and there are additional cards for Shape and Measure to extend the children’s mathematical understanding.
The Target card system. The aim is that children will complete their year group target card by the end of the school year and be able to fluently recall key facts. One of the ways they may do this is by using jottings to help. Alongside the ‘Number Target Card’ the children will have ‘Shape’ and ‘Measure’ target cards to complete over each two year stage; one for KS1, one for lower KS2 and one for upper KS2. Your child will continue to be given the appropriate target card for them, which they will keep in their drawer at school. They will know which individual target they are working on. A copy of the same target card is in their homework book, along with some new examples of questions in context that the children need to be able to answer.
Barry Primary’s Calculation Policy
How our policy works: Starts with the Foundation Stage. ‘Stages’ are used to reflect children’s stage of development. Links mental and written calculation skills. Underpinned by counting, mental strategies and rapid recall of known facts. Shows clear progression in using equipment and visual images to support conceptual understanding. Written methods are introduced through the use of equipment to ensure understanding of place value. Clear progression in recording, from use of pictures to number lines to compact methods.
Progression through the stages of addition. Stage 1: 4+1=5 one more than 4 is = 6 Linking equipment to linear images. Stage 2: Using a numbered number line =
Stage 3: Using dienes to support understanding. Using blank number lines. Stage 4: Stage 5/ 6: Ready for written methods
A Barry Mathematician
Developing reasoning through… Questioning that encourages children to justify their thinking e.g. how do you know? Can you prove it? Is that the only possibility? Investigating statements, following lines of enquiry, providing opportunities for children to generalise and provide proof of their findings e.g. an even number that is divisible by 3 is also divisible by 6. Activities that encourage mathematical talk such as: Talk it, solve it, Convince me cards, True or false, Missing numbers… 24 = x Which pairs of numbers could be written in the boxes?
Developing problem solving through… Teaching children to use diagrams or visual representations to support them in selecting specific maths skills and/or operations. Teaching children to break down increasingly complex problems into a series of smaller steps. Putting problems into everyday contexts such as money and measure. Providing children with a range of ‘rich’ problems to solve: finding all possibilities, logic puzzles, finding rules and describing patterns, visual puzzles, word problems… Creating opportunities for children to apply their mathematical skills in other subjects.
24 = x Which pairs of numbers could be written in the boxes? Have you found all possibilities? How do you know? I buy some packets of sweets. Each packet costs 25p. I pay with a £2 coin and receive 25p change. How many packets of sweets did I buy?
General questions and answers.
Thank you for coming! Please feel free to ‘have a go’ at some of the learning activities the children do. We hope you have found this information evening useful and would appreciate your comments. Please write your comments on the feedback sheet. It would help us to know what was useful and what we could improve next time.