Note to the teacher or user of these slides. Charles Darwin observed Adaptations or Small Random Chance changes Most Textbooks define evolution very early in the text before they take up mutations. If this is how your textbook handles these subjects then you will start on the next slide. If you have already covered mutations then start on slide number 11.
Evolution Definition
Most Textbooks Define “Biological Evolution” as CHANGE.
A Change In What? The Change Must Be In the DNA Since, As You Will Learn Later, The DNA Contains the Complete Instructions On How To Make A Duplicate Organism.
If the DNA Contains Instructions Then It Must Contain Information. If You Are To Understand Evolution Then It Is Essential That You Understand the Concept And Importance Of DNA Information Content.
Think Critically Consider These Letter Groups : 1. The Sky Is Blue. 2. The Sky Is Deep Blue. 3. The Sky Is Blue pndwrzeq. 4. The Sky Is pndwrzeq. 5. The Sky Is Blue. The Sky Is Blue.
Which Letter Group Has the LEAST Information In It? Did You Pick Number 1? Why Not? It Has the Least Number Of Letters. If You Picked Number 4 Why Did You Select It Over Number 2? They Both Have The Same Number Of Letters?
What Is the Correct Answer? Which Letter Group Has the MOST Information In It? Did You Choose Number 5? It Has the Most Letters. Do Numbers 1, 3 and 5 Have the Same Amount Of Information?
Conclusion Adding Letters And/or Words Does Not Increase Information Content Unless It Is Meaningful.
Charles Darwin observed Adaptations or Small Random Chance Changes in Organisms and ASSUMED that they could result in an amoeba becoming a man (A Large Change).
Your textbook and the Encyclopedia Britannica have the same letters, some of the same words and possibly even sentences and paragraphs. Does the fact that your textbook exists PROVE that the Encyclopedia came about by random chance changes in your textbook?
If ALL Species Developed From Earlier Life Forms Doesn’t This Require LARGE MEANINGFUL CHANGES in the DNA Information Content?
Textbooks say Biological Evolution Is: CHANGE ANY Change in the DNA
This Causes A Problem Because: The Word Evolution Does Not Distinguish Between a Small and a Large Change In the DNA.
Think Critically: How Can This Problem Be Solved? What Do the Terms Micro and Macro Mean? Can These Two Terms Be Used To Solve the Problem?
Small Biological Changes are properly called ADAPTATIONS and are examples of what can be called MICRO EVOLUTION
MICRO-EVOLUTION Is HORIZONTAL It is a change or adaptation at the species level. (Examples are the number of different types of: cats, dogs, cattle, birds, fish, etc.).
Changes Above The Species Level Require Large And Very Specific Meaningful Changes In The DNA They Will Be Called Macro-Evolution.
MACRO-EVOLUTION Is Vertical Man (Has no proven examples.) Amoeba
The Question Is Does Micro Evolution prove Macro Evolution?
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