Fantasy Novels By Jean Goesle and Fay Hutchings Voices of Vision Talking Book Ctr
Definition Fantasy: A genre not based in reality presupposing that magic and mythical/supernatural creatures exist. Definition from
Major Subgenres/Themes According to Genreflecting Sword and Sorcery Saga, Myth and Legend Fairy Tales Humorous Fantasy A Bestiary Contemporary Alternate/Parallel Worlds Time Travel Paranormal Powers Dark Fantasy Romantic Fantasy Shared Worlds
What do you want in a book? Action Suspense Humor Romance Good Dialogue Interesting Characters Mystery/Mental Challenge
Who Should Read Fantasy? Regency Romance Readers Adventure Readers The Infamous “Good Book” Readers People Who Like Sagas or Sequels No SVL Readers, Well, No SL Readers Those who REALLY loved Harry Potter
Discussion Points What have you read in Fantasy? If you haven’t read any or much, what keeps you from reading it? Is age a factor in who reads Fantasy? What makes Harry Potter different?
IF YOU LOVED HARRY… Edited version of Wolfner Library list RC Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine. RC The Fairy Rebel by Lynne Reid Banks. RC Five Children and It by Ellen Nesbit. RC Half Magic by Edward Eager. RC The Secret of Platform Thirteen by Eva Ibbotson. RC Book of Three by Lloyd Alexander. RC Dragon of the Lost Sea by Laurence Yep. RC The Lost Years of Merlin by T.A. Barron. RC Redwall by Brian Jacques. RC The Riddle Master: A Complete Trilogy by Patricia McKillip. RC Sandry's Book: Circle of Magic by Tamora Pierce. RC Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynn Jones. RC Witch Week by Diana Wynne Jones. RC A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula LeGuin.
Romantic Times: Reviewers' Choice Award Winners Best Time-Travel Romance or Best Fantasy Romance RC Legend by Jude Deveraux. RC Stardust of Yesterday by Lynn Kurland. RC Wrapped in Wishes by Olga Bicos. RC Son of the Morning by Linda Howard. RC Essence of My Desire by Jill Jones. RC Shadowsinger by L.E. Modesitt. RC Paladin of Souls by Lois McMaster Bujold.
World Fantasy Awards For those wanting “A Good Book” RC Madouc by Jack Vance. RC Only Begotten Daughter by James Morrow. RC Thomas the Rhymer by Ellen Kushner. RC Boy’s Life by Robert R. McCammon. RC 39302, BR Last Call by Tim Powers. RC Towing Jehovah by James Morrow. RC 30657, BR Bridge of Birds by Barry Hughart. RC The Prestige by Christopher Priest. RC The Antelope Wife by Louise Erdrich. RC 53745, BR The Other Wind by Ursula K. LeGuin. RC Ombria in Shadow by Patricia A. McKillip. RC Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke.
I Blame Buffy - Vampires RC After Midnight by Teresa Medeiros RC Danse Macabre by Laurell K. Hamilton RC Fledgling by Octavia Butler RC Historian by Elizabeth Kostova RC Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice RC Peeps by Scott Westerfield RC Salem’s Lot by Stephen King RC Sunshine by Robin McKinley RC Twilight by Stephenie Meyer
Genreflecting’s Must-Read Fantasy Fiction Authors RC The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien RC Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J.K. Rowling RC The Magician's Nephew by C.S. Lewis RC Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card RC A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K. LeGuin RC Pawn of Prophecy by David Eddings RC Finder by Emma Bull RC A Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martin