A Review Game
Literary elements Literature History of Mystery Vocabulary ???
100 Points Q: How do authors create mood in mystery novels? A: setting, foreshadowing, red herrings, characterization
100 Points Q: What probably happens to the main characters at the end of “The Landlady?” A: He gets stuffed
100 Points Q: Name the line of cheap paperback Mysteries. A: Penguins
100 Points Q: What does it look like when someone is inert? A: Various answers (lying down, unmoving)
200 Points Q: Explain an example of foreshadowing from “The Landlady.” A: Various answers
200 Points Q: What is the real identity of The Man Upstairs? A: a vampire
200 Points Q:When was the Golden Age of Mystery? A: 1920’s
200 Points Q: What is a squall? A: A storm, usually over water
300 Points Q: Explain a red herring from either MOTOE or ATTWN. A: Various answers
300 Points Q: Choose three characters from ATTWN and explain how they were tricked into coming to Indian Island. A: Various answers
300 Points Q: What made the Golden Age of Mystery golden? A: More time, more people could read
300 Points Use dregs in two different ways (one literal, one symbolic) Various answers (as sediment and as the least valuable)
400 Points Q: Choose a character from either MOTOE or ATTWN and discuss how he/she was characterized. A: Various answers
400 Points Q: Give at least two reasons why Agatha Christie choose Indian Island for the setting of ATTWN. A: isolated, name (poem & figurines), famous
400 Points Q: Name three things you know about either Agatha Christie or Sir Arthur Conan Doyle based on class. A: Various answers
400 Points Q: What is another form of iniquitous and what does it mean? A: Iniquity; wickedness; sinfulness
500 Points Q: What role does setting play in both ATTWN and MOTOE? A: Isolation – the characters are trapped – provides room for the “1 st solution” in MOTOE
500 Points Q: Choose three characters from MOTOE and provide their real identities. A: Various answers
500 Points Q: What is a cozy mystery, including several elements that make it unique? A: small town setting, poisons from Paraguay, red herring, etc.
500 Points Q: Use apparition, forte and clamber in one sentence that makes sense! A: Various answers
Final Jeopardy!!! Discuss the role that morality plays in both of Agatha Christie’s works (MOTOE & ATTWN). Use specific text details to support your ideas.