Do Now 4.30: YES – take a book Objectives: Describe the task and expectations for our writing project. Use “Cornell” notes to record important information while reading a non-fiction text. TASK: 1. Pass forward last weeks Do Nows
Reading and Writing in the Content Areas Introduction to Task Expectations Rubric and Grading Introduction to texts Scheduling Reading and analysis week (34) Writing and reflection week (35) DUE DATE: 5/14
Resource 1: Modern Biology Textbook Sections 15.2 and 15.3 Purpose of resource: Provide background knowledge and present vocabulary required for further learning. Natural selection Adaptation Homology Method of Analysis Independent “Cornell” Notes.
Cornell Notes Title This is a format for notes you take in class and while reading. Notice that only the “notes” section should be completed during lecture or reading.
Example Notice how easy it is to find a few KEY terms. Try to limit what goes in the left column.
An Introduction to Evolution Read Sections 15.2 and 15.3 of your textbook as an introduction to evolution As you read, complete a set of Cornell Notes Stop after completing the “notes” section
Key Ideas & Summary Complete the remaining two sections (Key Ideas& Summary) for the reading you just completed for homework.