Mel Burgess October 23 rd, 2015
Setting up an Account Choose your school and then click “Create Account” Visit
Setting up an Account Need Need to verify Create an IPP = Individual Pathways Plan Need district Need to verify Maximum visibility Can manage courses and students as well as determine progress Student Account Teacher / Counsellor Account
Home Screen The Menu button is the quickest way to get around myblueprint. Log out by clicking your name
Career Spectrum You can’t jump ahead! You need to answer the first 3 surveys before you can get results for a potential career.
Learning styles survey…
Personality survey…
Interests survey
Knowledge survey…
Motivations survey…
Compatibilty with a chosen career… Click the % to determine how your survey results match up against this career choice
The Portfolio… Click “Share Portfolio” to send your portfolio to someone by or to download it as a pdf!
Where to next??? Questions???