TEAN Cameo What changes hearts, minds and practice concerning children and young people with SEND?
Children and young people with SEN have unique knowledge of their particular circumstances. They have aspirations and goals. They have views on what might be done to remove any barriers to their learning and participation. They should be supported to participate in decisions about their own life, for example in relation to their learning and development, in reviews of their progress, assessments of their support needs and in decisions about their transition to adult life. Draft SEN Code of Practice (p13 )
For each pupil, we propose to provide the following information from statutory national curriculum tests: a scaled score, which will show whether the pupil has met the expected standard and is secondary ready; ranking in the national cohort (by decile); and the rate of progress from a baseline. DFE 2013 Primary assessment and accountability under the new national curriculum
For children and young people with SEND it is important to: know precisely where they are in their learning and development ensure decisions are informed by the insights of parents and those of children and young people themselves have high ambitions and to set stretching targets for them track their progress towards these goals keep under review the additional or different provision that is made for them ensure that the approaches used are based on the best possible evidence and are having the required impact on progress. Draft SEN Code of Practice (page 15)
'It is the professionals who are willing to learn about the child, rather than those who want only to know about the 'disability' who are able to work effectively as partners.' Hodges & Runswick-Cole 2008
AcademicProfessional Personal drawing on: values, feelings, opinions experiences - familial, societal, cultural drawing on : experiences of practice, professional values & discussion, policy and practice guidance drawing on: models to support thinking, theories. systematic research into practice from varying perspectives Voice
Academic Professional Personal explores/examines influences on self & the values and assumptions within these analyses professional practices, policy contexts, discourses and debates and their origins, articulates their implications for effective and equitable practice reveals and applies different perspectives using theories and models to explore issues generates and makes rigorous use of evidence creates arguments that acknowledge complexity & ambiguity, adopts an ethical approach AuthoritativeVoice