Anyssa H., Tyven F., Serene O., Alexsa J.
Seven Question 1. _______ got a chess board for Christmas ? A. Vincent B. Her mom C. Winston D. Meimei 2. ________ helped Meimei learn chess. A. Bobby Fischer B. Winston C. Meimei taught herself D. Lau po 3. What did the brothers have to do when Meimei started playing chess ? A. Teach her how to play. B. Do all the chores C. clean the trophies D. All of the above 4. What street did Meimei and her family live on ? A. Wizards of Waverly place B. Wizard avenue C. Waverly place D. Waverly street 5. What did Meimei get for Christmas? A. Deck of cards B. Lifesavers C. Chess board D. A doll 6. Whose groceries did Meimei nock down ? A. Her moms B. An old lady's C. An old man D. Her dads 7. How old was Meimei in the beginning of the story ? A. 10 B.9 C.5 D.6 Extra Question: What happened when Meimei played against her opponent, in her mind?
Answers 1. _______ got a chess board for Christmas ? A. Vincent B. Her mom C. Winston D. Meimei 2. ________ helped Meimei learn chess. A. Bobby Fischer B. Winston C. Meimei taught herself D. Lau po 3. What did the brothers have to do when Meimei started playing chess ? A. Teach her how to play. B. Do all the chores C. clean the trophies D. All of the above 4. What street did Meimei and her family live on ? A. Wizards of Waverly place B. Wizard avenue C. Waverly place D. Waverly street 5. What did Meimei get for Christmas? A. Deck of cards B. Lifesavers C. Chess board D. A doll 6. Whose groceries did Meimei nock down ? A. Her moms B. An old lady's C. An old man D. Her dads 7. How old was Meimei in the beginning of the story ? A. 10 B.9 C.5 D.6 Extra Question: What happened when Meimei played against her opponent, in her mind? The room was white and it was just her and the chess board. Then a gust of wind blew past her ear and told her what to move next.
Quick Summary In the story the rules of the game the main character, Meimei, learns how to play chess. She is taught by a man that she meets in a park. She becomes really good at playing and starts playing in tournaments. Her mother becomes obsessed with her winning and starts bragging about her. Meimei stands up to her mother which is the big conflict in the story. At the end of the story she thinks of the argument as a chess game.
Conflicts of the Story Person vs. Person Meimei Vs. Her Mother because at the end of the story throughout the story they start to argue. Person Vs. Person Person Vs. Her Opponent because they are playing against each other. Person Vs. Self Person Vs. Herself because she's trying to get better and not fail.
Setting The story takes place in California San Francisco's China town. They live on Waverly Place above a Chinese bakery. The time of the story was 1985.
Theme The theme of the story is not to brag so much because it ruins relationships. This is the theme because Meimei’s mother becomes so obsessed with Meimei winning that they have a big fight in the end of the story.
Literary Elements Symbol: the trophies Meimei’s mother puts trophies in the bakery. The trophies symbolize her mothers obsession with showing Meimei off. This has to do with the theme of the story because Meimei’s mother is bragging and not caring about Meimei but about her winning. Epiphany: When Mimesis mother realizes that chess wont ruin the Chinese tradition and that Meimei was actually good at it. Affect on the story: She lets Meimei play chess. Personification: “The wind hissed, louder and louder”
Important bits Chinese are very competitive so when her mother thought she was winning it was a very big achievement in the family. She saw her mother on the other side of the chessboard because she wasn’t all about the winning she also enjoyed playing chess for fun. Her mother was on the other side because she was on the bad team she thought she was right about bragging about her child but meimei didn’t want to be bragged about. As her punishment her mom made her compete in a competition she didn’t want to participate in. meimei told her mother that she hated being bragged about so she ran away after bumping into an old lady and making her drop her groceries. Meimei was taught by her brother how to play the game chess then an old man named Lau Po taught her how to be more advanced in chess.