“Begin with the End in Mind” “If you don’t know where you are going, then you probably won’t end up there.” ~Forrest Gump Video of Dalton Sherman
Welcome Back Everyone! Agenda New Staff Learning Goals Icebreaker Begin With the End in Mind Break for lunch at 11:30 - 1:00 Mrs. Swift will introduce new staff Ms. Williams will present learning goals Ms. Johnson will present icebreaker Ms. Williams will present “Begin With the End in Mind”
Learning Goals Participants will be able to: State and explain the theme for Whispering Pines this school year Develop a professional goal for this school year related to student achievement List three activities of the math focus events Explain the purpose of data analysis Explain the focus of Domain 1 Learning goals identify what students will learn or be able to do over time and within a unit of instruction. They are created from state or national standards.
Ice breaker Ms. Johnson & Mr. Hunter
So what do you want to be when you grow up So what do you want to be when you grow up? We’ve all heard this question before, but think about it for a moment. Are you .. Right now.. Who you want to be, what you dreamed you’d be, doing what you always wanted to do? Be honest. Sometimes we find ourselves achieving victories that are empty…successes that have come at the expense of things that were far more valuable to us.
“Begin with the End in Mind” Begin with the End in Mind is the second habit of Stephen Covey’s Highly Effective People. It is based on imagination…the ability to envision in your mind what you cannot at present see with your eyes. It’s about connecting again with your own uniqueness and then defining the personal, moral and ethical guidelines within which you can most happily express and fulfill yourself. Activity: Turn to a partner at your table and briefly discuss a time you used this kind of begin with the end in mind approach in any part of your life and explain how it worked for you.
Whispering Pines Data Reading Math Writing Science Social Studies Present our school data
WPS EOC & FCAT DATA Take a minute to review the data and I’d like for each table to come up with 2 statements; one about our strengths and the other about our weakness. Be prepared to share out.
86% (90) of WPS students enrolled in a mathematics course scored a level 1 or 2 on the standardized math assessment. 40% (36) of WPS students who scored a level one or two in math will increase their scores in math from level one to level two and from level two to level three or higher on the Florida Standards Assessment School-wide math goal. The data team will review this information and make any adjustments as needed.
Whispering Pines School Mathematics Focus Events Weekly Monthly Quarterly Have groups discuss developing an academic game to use for their subject area.
Academic Games 20% improvement in student achievement 2. Increase student interest 3. Increase student engagement 4. Retention of information 5. Improve reasoning & higher order thinking 6. Encourages social skills
4 Key Components of Academic Games Inconsequential competition Target essential academic content Debrief after the game Note revision This component does address Domain 1 Design Question 5, section 2 Activity: Have groups design an academic game that address the 4 components choosing any subject. Be prepared to share out.
Lesson Plans Review lesson plans info
Data 1. Data Team 2. Data Analysis 3. Data Wise in Action Jigsaw chapter 1 of Data Wise in 6 groups of 12 Have each group diagram their findings using a graphic organizer. Encourage all to take notes or highlight Members report back to their original groups. A representative from each group presents the graphic organizer.
Domain 1 Providing clear learning goals and scales Tracking student progress Celebrating student success Establishing classroom routines Organizing the physical layout of the room Identifying critical information Organizing students to interact with new info Previewing new content What do you know about Domain 1? Have staff vote with their feet using the rubric. Review Domain 1 at your table and check off all the teacher and student activities you observed this morning. Discuss at your table and then share with big group.
Domain 1 continued Chunking content into digestible bites Group processing of new information Elaborating on new information Recording and representing knowledge Reflecting on learning Reviewing content Organizing students to practice & deepen knowledge
Domain 1 continued Using homework Examining similarities and differences Examining errors in reasoning Practicing skills strategies and processes Revising knowledge Organizing students for cognitively complex tasks Engaging students in cognitively complex tasks involving hypothesis generating and testing
Domain 1 continued Providing resources and guidance Noticing and reacting when students are not engaged Using academic games Managing response rates during questioning Using physical movement Maintaining a lively pace Demonstrating intensity and enthusiasm Using friendly controversy
Domain 1 continued Providing opportunities for students to talk about themselves Presenting unusual or intriguing information Demonstrating “withitness” Applying consequences Acknowledging adherence to rules & procedures Understanding students’ interests & background Using behaviors that indicate affection for students
Domain 1 continued Displaying objectivity and control Demonstrating Value and respect for low expectancy-students Asking questions of low expectancy students Probing incorrect answers with low-expectancy students
What do Teachers Make? By Taylor Mali Video