Eczema & Psoriasis Dr. Jerald E. Hurdle Kennebec Medical Consultants Waterville, ME 04901
Learning Objectives To familiarize you with the many presentations of eczema & psoriasis, To understand how to get the most out of topical therapies, and To recognize newer therapies now becoming available. To familiarize you with the many presentations of eczema & psoriasis, To understand how to get the most out of topical therapies, and To recognize newer therapies now becoming available.
Eczema From the Greek “to boil over” Eczema = Dermatitis Wastebasket term for many undiagnosed rashes Histology shows edema or spongiosis From the Greek “to boil over” Eczema = Dermatitis Wastebasket term for many undiagnosed rashes Histology shows edema or spongiosis
Eczema is itchy! Acute: Vesicles Sub acute: Juicy Papules Chronic: Lichenification Lesions tend to have indistinct borders Acute: Vesicles Sub acute: Juicy Papules Chronic: Lichenification Lesions tend to have indistinct borders
Eczema is itchy! Acute: Vesicles Sub-acute: Juicy Papules Chronic: Lichenification Lesions tend to have indistinct borders Acute: Vesicles Sub-acute: Juicy Papules Chronic: Lichenification Lesions tend to have indistinct borders
Eczema is itchy! Acute: Vesicles Sub acute: Juicy Papules Chronic: Lichenification Lesions tend to have indistinct borders Acute: Vesicles Sub acute: Juicy Papules Chronic: Lichenification Lesions tend to have indistinct borders
New patients presenting to a dermatology clinic Types of Dermatitis Essential:11.4% Contact:2.8% Atopic:2.6% Seborrheic:3.7% Stasis:0.4% Lichen Simplex Chronicus (LSC):0.8% Types of Dermatitis Essential:11.4% Contact:2.8% Atopic:2.6% Seborrheic:3.7% Stasis:0.4% Lichen Simplex Chronicus (LSC):0.8% Source: Hershey Medical Center Dermatology Clinic
Essential Dermatitis Pruritus Eczematous lesions not conforming to other patterns of dermatitis Pruritus Eczematous lesions not conforming to other patterns of dermatitis Essential Contact Atopic Seborrheic Stasis Lichen Simplex Chronicus
Essential Dermatitis Dyshidrotic Autosensitization Xerotic Nummular Dyshidrotic Autosensitization Xerotic Nummular “tapioca” on lateral borders of fingers Essential Contact Atopic Seborrheic Stasis Lichen Simplex Chronicus
Essential Dermatitis Dyshidrotic Autosensitization Xerotic Nummular Dyshidrotic Autosensitization Xerotic Nummular Hypersensitivity to a substance produced by local dermatitis Essential Contact Atopic Seborrheic Stasis Lichen Simplex Chronicus
Essential Dermatitis Dyshidrotic Autosensitization Xerotic Nummular Dyshidrotic Autosensitization Xerotic Nummular “crazy paving" appearance: affects elderly particularly in winter Essential Contact Atopic Seborrheic Stasis Lichen Simplex Chronicus
Essential Dermatitis Dyshidrotic Autosensitization Xerotic Nummular Dyshidrotic Autosensitization Xerotic Nummular Coin-shaped lesions Essential Contact Atopic Seborrheic Stasis Lichen Simplex Chronicus
Contact Dermatitis Irritant vs. Allergic Only affects area of contact Rx : avoid contactant Irritant vs. Allergic Only affects area of contact Rx : avoid contactant Essential Contact Atopic Seborrheic Stasis Lichen Simplex Chronicus
Contact Dermatitis Cosmetics Essential Contact Atopic Seborrheic Stasis Lichen Simplex Chronicus
Contact Dermatitis Nickel Essential Contact Atopic Seborrheic Stasis Lichen Simplex Chronicus
Contact Dermatitis Poison Oak or Poison Ivy Essential Contact Atopic Seborrheic Stasis Lichen Simplex Chronicus
Contact Dermatitis Irritant Essential Contact Atopic Seborrheic Stasis Lichen Simplex Chronicus
Atopic Dermatitis Triad of atopic disease Pruritus Waxing/waning course Hands/face/neck common in adults Triad of atopic disease Pruritus Waxing/waning course Hands/face/neck common in adults Essential Contact Atopic Seborrheic Stasis Lichen Simplex Chronicus
Seborrheic Dermatitis Dandruff on the body Hypersensitivity to yeast Rx: Anti yeast & steroids Dandruff on the body Hypersensitivity to yeast Rx: Anti yeast & steroids Essential Contact Atopic Seborrheic Stasis Lichen Simplex Chronicus
Stasis Dermatitis Eczema overlying edematous legs Chronic : Compression Beware of Ulcers Eczema overlying edematous legs Chronic : Compression Beware of Ulcers Essential Contact Atopic Seborrheic Stasis Lichen Simplex Chronicus
Lichen Simplex Chronicus Localized chronic dermatitis Occluded steroids may help Localized chronic dermatitis Occluded steroids may help Essential Contact Atopic Seborrheic Stasis Lichen Simplex Chronicus Scratch ItchScratch Itch
Treatment Of Eczema Gentle skin care ↓ Frequency of washing Cooler Water Avoid Soap Gentle skin care ↓ Frequency of washing Cooler Water Avoid Soap
Treatment Of Eczema Use cream based emollients as soap Encourage greasiest Copious quantities Use cream based emollients as soap Encourage greasiest Copious quantities increasing greasiness
Treatment Of Eczema Topical Steroids Ointments > Cream Use lowest effective potency BID Topical Steroids Ointments > Cream Use lowest effective potency BID clobetasol fluocinonide triamcinolone aclomethasone hydrocortisone Potency
2-5% Caucasians Onset at any age 2 peaks in 20s & 50s May be pruritic 2-5% Caucasians Onset at any age 2 peaks in 20s & 50s May be pruritic
Psoriasis: precipitants Genetics Stress Infections -- i.e. Strep Trauma (Koebner) Medications: Lithium, β Blockers Obesity (insulin resistance) Alcohol Genetics Stress Infections -- i.e. Strep Trauma (Koebner) Medications: Lithium, β Blockers Obesity (insulin resistance) Alcohol
Chronic Plaque Commonest Extensor surfaces Stable disease Commonest Extensor surfaces Stable disease
Guttate Explosive onset May be preceded by Strep infection Consider other Dx: Pityriasis Rosea & syphilis Explosive onset May be preceded by Strep infection Consider other Dx: Pityriasis Rosea & syphilis
Palmar Plantar Pustulosis Commoner in smokers Tends to be difficult to treat Groups of sterile pustules Commoner in smokers Tends to be difficult to treat Groups of sterile pustules
Erythrodermic Pustular Rare Skin often painful Pustules tiny (look close) Later get lakes of pus Need to admit patient to stabilize Rare Skin often painful Pustules tiny (look close) Later get lakes of pus Need to admit patient to stabilize
Nail Psoriasis Commoner in pts with Ps arthritis Pitting Oil spots Onycholysis Difficult to Rx
Treatments Remember Koebner Point to a scar Emollients Topical Agents UV light Systemics Biologics Emollients Topical Agents UV light Systemics Biologics
Treatments Corticosteroids (potent & super potent) Vit D Analogue (Dovonex) Tars (LCD) Anthralin (Dithrocream) Emollients Topical Agents UV light Systemics Biologics Emollients Topical Agents UV light Systemics Biologics
Treatments Immunosuppressant UVB (Narrow band vs. broadband PUVA: Psoralen + UVA Treatment course 3x weekly for 6 weeks Beware of skin cancer! Emollients Topical Agents UV light Systemics Biologics Emollients Topical Agents UV light Systemics Biologics
Treatments Retinoids: Acitretin monitor LFTs & Lipids (avoid in ♀ of childbearing potential) Methotrexate (once weekly) monitor LFTs & CBC Cyclosporine : monitor BP & Renal function : great rescue drug but need exit strategy! Emollients Topical Agents UV light Systemics Biologics Emollients Topical Agents UV light Systemics Biologics
Treatments Anti-TNF: Etanercept, infliximab & adalumimab IL 12/23 blockers Watch out for TB/infections No long term safety data $$$$ Not Better than CyA or MTX Emollients Topical Agents UV light Systemics Biologics Emollients Topical Agents UV light Systemics Biologics
Treatments Avoid systemic corticosteroids!!!
Eczema: Key Points Appearance varies from blisters to scaling plaques Itching is prominent Distribution can be localized or generalized Appearance varies from blisters to scaling plaques Itching is prominent Distribution can be localized or generalized
Psoriasis: Key Points Well demarcated erythematous, silvery, scaling plaques Elbows, knees & scalp are typically involved Inflammation and epidermal proliferation Well demarcated erythematous, silvery, scaling plaques Elbows, knees & scalp are typically involved Inflammation and epidermal proliferation
Learning Objectives To familiarize you with the many presentations of eczema & psoriasis, To understand how to get the most out of topical therapies, and To recognize newer therapies now becoming available. To familiarize you with the many presentations of eczema & psoriasis, To understand how to get the most out of topical therapies, and To recognize newer therapies now becoming available.
And Remember… For scaling rashes of uncertain etiology… “if it scales, scrape it!”