What doesn’t work if used alone Essential components of bed bug control whether or not pesticides are used Options besides chemicals Step by step procedures Recap of supplies needed 2
3 1. Bed legs placed in bowls with various products 2. Taping bed legs with sticky side out 3. Abandoning the home for a period of time 4. Turning up the heat 5. Sleeping with lights on 6. Sleeping in a different room 7. Buying a new mattress 8. Wrapping items in plastic and placing in the sun 9. Bug bombs 10. Boric Acid 11. Repellants
1. Bowls you have on hand with Murphy’s soap, tea tree oil, kerosene ~ better option: Climb ups with talc 4
2. Some beds have many legs, some don’t have any 5
3. Make sure you are not taking bed bugs to share 6
4. Lethal high temperature for bed bugs Copyright, 2015 Lobster Marketing Group, LLC 7
o Thrive at temps between ~68˚ F - 80˚ F o Above ~99˚ F Development stops o Below ~55˚ F Development stops o Die at Temps > 113˚F or < 32 ˚F o 120 F for 20 minutes or -13 F 8
5. Bed bugs not opposed to light. They are lured to us by our body heat, odor and respiration of CO2 9
6. Will spread to more areas and expand the infestation 10
7. Don’t discard what can be treated or encased 11
8. Leaving items bagged in hot sun or car will not likely reach lethal temperature to kill bed bugs 12
9. Foggers and bombs seem simple and economical but they don’t reach the hiding bed bugs 13
10. Since bed bugs only feed on blood, boric acid will not be ingested. Powders can serve to dehydrate or suffocate 14 Boric Acid
11. No sonic, electronic or odors have been found to effectively repel bed bugs 15
Physical removal Barriers/Exclusion Thermal remediation o Heat o Steam o Freezing 16
Dry all clothing, linens, and bedding in hot dryer, then bag and isolate until bed bugs are gone. Use HOT dryer for 20 minutes for plush toys, shoes, coats Vacuum the mattresses, bed frames and house to remove bugs and eggs from carpet and walls Reduce clutter Don’t throw away mattresses—vacuum and seal Repair cracks in plaster, and glue down or remove loosened wallpaper, caulk holes in floors and walls 17
Heat treat and bag bedding, clothing and any items that can safely be treated in this manner Physical Removal
Vacuum thoroughly mattresses, carpets, bed frame Physical Removal
To keep or not to keep? Anything removed from premises should be bagged and disposed of in an outside dumpster Physical Removal
Entombs bed bugs in the encasement Makes it easier to observe bed bugs Does not keep bed bugs from getting on the bed 21
Non-toxic Uses lethal temperatures to kill all life stages of bed bugs Often combined with other control methods Reduces the need for insecticides 23
Equipment - heating source, fans, monitoring sensors 24
Kills on contact Very labor intensive Kills all life stages of bed bugs Limited success 25
Steamers AmeriVap Steamer Steamax 26
27 Cryonite ® / Instant- Freeze › Dry ice “snow” › Pesticide free contact kill › No residues – immediate reoccupation › Ideal for sensitive environments & electronics
Different methods may be recommended Communication is key › Between landlords/tenants › Landlord/pest control professional › Pest control professional/tenants Everyone’s role is essential 28
30 Change for dryers$1.00 per load x 20 = $20 Bags for collecting and storing65 gal/50 = $35 Alcohol, baking soda = $ 2 Encasements – 2 sets per bed$30 each = $60 Caulking and caulking gun = $ 8 Disposal of clutterDumping charge = $ 35 Vacuum Atrix HEPA$230-$450 Steam by model$300 - $2050 Heat some quotes$ $2500 Freeze estimate>$3500 = $160 Cost for supplies and treatment
Union City, CA taken 10/7/15 photos 1-6 Bed bug infestation, tenant used tape to stop them, smashing them on walls.
Union City, CA taken 10/7/15 photos 7-12 Bed bugs smashed on walls, items from infested room spread out in back area, dead bed bugs on ground
Union City, CA taken 10/7/15 photos13-17 Bed frame placed outside with dead bed bugs on tape, wads of tape used to trap bed bugs, some still alive.
35 References: THANK YOU Armed Forces Pest Management Board. (March 2012). Technical Guide No. 44 Bed Bugs – Importance, Biology, and control strategies. Information Services Division: Silver Spring, MD Doggett S. L. (2007). Bed Bugs – Latest Trends and Developments. Synopsis of the Australian Environmental Pest Managers Association National Conference, Pacific Bay Resort, Coffs Harbour, 4-6 th July 2007, pg National Pest management Association Best management Practices for Bed Bugs, October 22, 2011 Potter, M. F. (2012). Bed Bugs. Department of Entomology, University of Kentucky College of Agriculture. Retrieved from The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Pesticide Programs. (February 2010). What’s Working for Bed Bug Control in Multifamily Housing: Reconciling best practices with research and the realities of implementation. Yturralde, K. M. and Hofstetter, R. W. (April 2012). Efficacy of Commercially Available Ultrasonic Pest Repellent Devices to Affect Behavior of Bed Bugs (Hemiptera: Cimicidae). Journal of Economic Entomology. Vol. 105, No. 6.