CHAPTER 1 Whole Numbers
Place Value In Whole Numbers The position a digit has in a number is called its PLACE VALUE. For WHOLE NUMBERS the PLACE VALUES are as follows: MillionsHundred Thousands Ten Thousands ThousandsHundredsTensUnits
Non-Calculator Methods for Addition and Subtraction When adding or subtracting numbers without a calculator make sure that the columns for each place value are carefully lined up in the number you are working with. eg eg
Multiplying a Whole Number by 10, 100, 1000 …. When you multiply a whole number by 10 you add 1 zero. When you multiply a whole number by 100 you add 2 zeroes. When you multiply a whole number by 1000 you add 3 zeroes. and so on …... Multiplying a Whole Number by Multiples of 10 (20, 30, 40..) Multiply by the number of tens and then multiply by 10. eg 1eg x x x 2 = x 3 = x 10 = x 10 = 12360
Dividing a Whole Number by 10, 100, 1000 …. When you divide a whole number by 10 all digits get moved 1 place to the right. When you divide a whole number by 100 all digits get moved 2 places to the right. When you divide a whole number by 1000 all digits get moved 3 places to the right. and so on …... Dividing a Whole Number by Multiples of 10 (20, 30, 40..) Divide by ten and then divide by the number of tens. Eg 1Eg ÷ ÷ ÷ 10 = ÷ 10 = ÷ 5 = ÷ 2 = 42
Long Multiplication Example 1 Work out, without a calculator 417 x 238 Answer x Because we are really multiplying by Because we are really multiplying by
Long Division Example 2 Work out, without a calculator ÷ 34 Answer x 1 = 3434 x 4 = x 7 = x 2 = 6834 x 5 = x 8 = x 3 = x 6 = x 9 = 306
Order of Operations in a Calculation A useful way to remember the order to do mathematical operations in, is: B racket O ver (powers) D ivide A dd S ubtract