AIMS To provide a clearer understanding of the maths curriculum. To share ideas about how you can support your child with their mathematical learning.
Y EAR 3 N EW C URRICULUM A REAS OF LEARNING * Number – Number and Place Value * Number – Addition and Subtraction * Number – Multiplication and Division * Number – Fractions * Measurement * Geometry – Properties of Shapes * Statistics
Y EAR 4 N EW C URRICULUM A REAS OF LEARNING * Number – Number and Place Value * Number – Addition and Subtraction * Number – Multiplication and Division * Number – Fractions * Measurement * Geometry – Properties of Shapes * Statistics
Y EAR 5 N EW C URRICULUM A REAS OF LEARNING * Number – Number and Place Value * Number – Addition and Subtraction * Number – Multiplication and Division * Number – Fractions * Measurement * Geometry – Properties of Shapes * Geometry – Properties of Position and Direction * Statistics
Y EAR 6 N EW C URRICULUM A REAS OF LEARNING * Number – Number and Place Value * Number – Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division * Number – Fractions * Ratio and Proportion * Algebra * Measurement *Geometry – Properties of Shapes * Geometry – Position and Direction * Statistics
O UR A IM IS FOR P HEASEY P ARK F ARM CHILDREN TO : Become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics. Become efficient in their choice of methods. Have a solid procedural understanding of maths. Have a deep conceptual understanding of maths. Be able to reason mathematically. Solve problems by applying their mathematical knowledge correctly.
M AKING C ONNECTIONS Adapted from Haylock and Cockburn (2008) Symbols Concrete Experiences Pictures Language 5 Children will be able to access a range of resources throughout the school to support their conceptual learning. Resources are differentiated to ensure children don’t become dependent on one.
T HE F OUR O PERATIONS – PROCEDURAL APPLICATION Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division Calculation Policy
A DDITION - W RITTEN M ETHOD PARTITIONING THROUGH TO COLUMN ADDITION Partitioning = ( )= 90 (8 + 8 ) = 16 ( ) = 106 Column Method (7+4) 80 (60+20) 91 Compact Column Method Numbers bonds – using knowledge of bonds to 10 to find bonds to 100, 1000……to help them calcualte.
S UBTRACTION To be able to subtract 9 and 11 by subtracting 10 and adjusting by = = = 58 (because an extra 1 was taken off we have added an extra 1 on to compensate) Developing to….. 45 – 19 = 45 – 20 = = 26
S UBTRACTION W RITTEN M ETHOD PARTITIONING AND DECOMPOSITION Compact Column Method Expanded column method 89-57= Answer 32 _
M ULTIPLICATION To be able to multiply numbers by 10 and 100. X 10 ÷ x10 = x 100 = x 1000 = To be able to derive all multiplication facts and related division facts. To be able to partition numbers to simplify multiplication. 13 x 3 = 10 x 3 = 30 3 x 3 = = Th ThHTU
M ULTIPLICATION W RITTEN M ETHOD Grid Method 38x72= = = 576 X
M ULTIPLICATION Children work towards a compact method 4346 x 8= x Children work with increasingly larger numbers.
D IVISION – WRITTEN METHOD Vertical Method (short and long division) Y3 children start compact method without remainders Numbers are limited to NO remainders in the final answer, but with remainders occurring within the sum
D EVELOPING D IVISION S KILLS F URTHER In Year 5 children become confidant with remainders within a number and as part of the final answer. Children then develop the skill of expressing remainders as a fraction Children in Y6 move onto long division using a chunking method to start with.
T HE LEARNING OF TIMESTABLES AT P HEASEY P ARK F ARM Chants, rhymes and raps Rapid recall games Times-tables splat Fun times-table test
M ATHS AT HOME Any extra help can only benefit your child! Important to ask your child about their learning at school – ask them what their current Maths target is in their Maths book. School will send home a new Maths Activity Booklet each term. Times table learning – perseverance from all! Homework will be issued weekly. Board games. Real – Life Opportunities Complete a height chart, ask them to create a monthly schedule, read time tables, let them pay, estimate shopping bill together, bake a cake – measure ingredients, time the baking / cooling ……