Centers for Independent Living Housing Planning and Advocacy Disability Commission Meeting June 18, 2009 Maureen Hollowell, Coordinator, Virginia Association of Centers for Independent Living 1
Centers for Independent Living Consumer controlled Community based Cross disability Nonresidential Private, nonprofit Designed and controlled by people with disabilities 2
Four Core Services Peer mentoring Independent living skills training Advocacy Information and referral 3
State Plan for Independent Living Developed by the Statewide Independent Living Council Collaboration with Department of Rehabilitative Services Three year plan Planning and assistance for the provision of independent living services 4
SPIL, Goal 2 Work in conjunction with the Office of Community Integration to assist in implementing the housing and transportation initiatives identified in the Cross Governmental Strategic Plan to Assure Continued Community Integration of Virginians with Disabilities and the Money Follows the Person Demonstration 5
Strategic Plan to Assure Continued Community Integration of Virginian’s with Disabilities Goals and Action Plans Developed by – Community Integration Implementation Team – Community Integration Advisory Commission 6
CIL Activities in Support of the SPIL and Strategic Plan Promote awareness of Money Follows the Person Develop relationships with local housing planners to enhance the knowledge of housing planners about the needs of people with disabilities Advocate for housing options for people transitioning out of institutions 7
Planning Responsibilities Public Housing Agencies Consolidated Plans – Community Development Block Grants – HOME – Emergency Shelter Grants – Housing Opportunities for People with AIDS 8
New Section 8 Vouchers Approximately 4,000 nationwide available later this year for nonelderly people with disabilities CILs offering PHAs data and assistance to support submission of a proposal CILs educating PHAs about importance of applying for new Section 8 vouchers for people transitioning with MFP 9
New CDBG Funds $1billon nationwide Approximately $16 million to Virginia CILs contacted local entities responsible for CDBG funds to express the need to use some of these funds for housing needs of people with disabilities 10
Money Follows the Person Centers for Independent Living – Workshops about MFP provided to people with disabilities, nursing home and other institutional staff, community service providers – Dissemination of Money Follows the Person information – Outreach to residents of nursing homes – Collaboration with DMAS to develop an appropriate MFP Demonstration project 11
Housing Barriers Need for affordable, accessible housing Average monthly income of $674 Placement and continuation in a nursing home because no other housing available Lack of adequate federal funds for Section 8 housing vouchers 12
Minimum Data Sets (MDS) Federally mandated assessment of residents in nursing homes Quality indicators and planning info Item Q1a: Resident expresses/indicates preference to return to the community 6,621 people want to leave (966 are nonelderly people with disabilities) 28,869 people in nursing homes (4,618 nonelderly people with disabilities) 13
Other Data Sources Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy (CHAS) American Community Survey US Census data Virginia’s MFP Demonstration Project VBPD Biennial Assessment PHA Section 8 waiting lists 14
CILs Also Provide Training on the Fair Housing Act to people with disabilities, local housing planners and providers, landlords Analysis and comments on the PHA 5-year and annual plans Analysis and comments on the Consolidated Plans and annual action plans Info and support to people with disabilities so they can participate in these planning processes and comment on the plans 15
Housing Priorities Separate services from housing Increase availability of Section 8 vouchers Use Auxiliary Grants to support integrated accessible housing Establish a process to identify people institutionalized primarily because of the lack of affordable housing Focus on people with disabilities who have extremely low income 16