SEMINAR ON THE STRUCTURED DIALOGUE ON THE INVOLVEMENT OF CIVIL SOCIETY AND LOCAL AUTHORITIES IN EC DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION Penal Reform International (PRI) Tsira Chanturia "Civil society involvement in the SPSP (Criminal Justice Reform) in Georgia"
Brief about PRI/criminal justice (CJ) sector European NGO Presence in Georgia since 2000 Promoting criminal justice reforms (penal reform, probation, juvenile justice, torture prevention, etc) Modes of operation Policy advice/consultations Provision of expertise Service delivery Advocacy/lobbying Close engagement with the LA and CSO
Monitoring over the EU-Georgia ENP AP Implementation Priority Area 1 “Strengthening rule of law through reform of the judicial system, including the penitentiary system, and through rebuilding state institutions. Strengthening democratic institutions and respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms in compliance with the international commitments of Georgia (PCA, CoE, OSCE, UN) -reform whole justice system incl. training for judges, prosecutors, police, prisons with particular regard to human rights -improve detention conditions by implementing recommendations of European Committee for prevention of torture and implement optional protocol to UN Convention”...
Building policy dialogue with the government Challenges faced before the commencement of SPSP: a complex sector with multiple stakeholders Political instability ( ) Lack of transparency and accountability Lack of political agenda for sector reform Lack of inter-sector coordination Absence of political dialogue and consultation with donor and CSO
Building policy dialogue with the government Opportunities pursuant to the SPSP (CJ Sector): Inter-sector coordination between government institutions in the CJ sector; Coordination with civil society and donors; Institutional framework/forums for policy dialogue/planning; Inclusive and participatory policy dialogue, planning and monitoring of implementation Increased transparency, credibility and engagement Set up of the Institutional Mechanism: CJ Reform Interagency Coordination Council Secretariat Working Groups (WG) – technical thematic work in the sector Policy Planning (2010 – 2013): CJ Reform Strategy CJ Reform Action Plan
Skills developed to enhance the involvement in policy dialogue: Communication Advocacy Coordination PRI’s Key Entry points in policy dialogue Observer member of the Criminal Justice Interagency Coordination Council Member of the WGs on Penal Reform, Probation and Juvenile Justice (also of a sub-group on Juvenile Diversion), WG on Prosecution EU Grantee under the EIDHR Building policy dialogue with the government
Strategies used to hold the government accountable (monitoring and tracking government progress) Structured monitoring mechanism: Bi-annual meetings with donors and CSO (reporting and discussions on the progress achieved on the Sector Reform Strategy/AP) Publication of progress reports by the authorities (obligation under the SPSP) Engagement in high-level policy forums (Council sessions, WG sessions) Monitoring tools in place/logframes and performance measurement (developed under the TA on Sector management support Reference to published policy documents and progress or lack thereof Indirect influence through the EUD (consultation process) Bilateral meetings/discussions
Experience in Donor coordination and harmonization Consultations led by the EUD with the CS while developing programmes Consultation meetings Memorandum of Understanding signed (June 2010) between Justice Sector Institutions and donors to regulate cooperation and improve aid effectiveness - donor coordination and aligning with the priorities of the government under the CJR
Ways Forward/Perspectives Assisting the wider engagement of CS in the policy dialogue - creating forums for policy dialogue and discussions on regional level with the participation of locally based NGOs Promoting and assisting the Sector Objectives – liberalization and humanization of the CJ system in Georgia
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