CS 3505 Projects Assignments Projects Usually short tasks assigned in class Typically due at the start of the next week Typically handed in as an E-mail attachment or as a hard copy in class Grade: assignment completion is recorded for both pass/fail and graded students Projects Course long task to build a web page Proposal report: Due before first mid-term. Web and presentation: Due at end of course, Handed in on line and presented in class Grade: Pass/fail must complete a basic web page Grade: complete basic web, grade can be incremented with advanced interactive pages (grading somewhat subjective)
Projects Steps Build a web: Steps Select a topic Design your page Layout map Perform some research Resource availability statement Web links resources Select an ISP Select an authoring tool Build a web Present the web and points of interest in the experience to the class in a 15 min presentation 1 to 2 page Proposal addressing these due before 1’st mid-term
Basic Project Topics Topics for Web pages can be anything which demonstrates your ability to create a basic web Examples Information page presenting some internet technology Mobile internet Ip telephony Internet Money Etc.
Basic Project Characteristics Limited Dynamics and Interactivity Primarily designed to present information Presents information, links, transitions, images and sound effects to enhance presentation clarity Should use hypertext links for information expansion, definitions etc. Feedback is limited to E-mail response Utilizes HTML techniques learned up to 1’st mid term
Advanced Project Topics On line business web page Restaurant Motel Specialty mail order Build a web for a professor or other community service Bring up a web server and host a web page on it
Advanced Topics Characteristics Uses interactive and dynamic web programming Includes forms to gather information from a user Performs some action in response to user characteristics or requests May interface with a database, program, or device
CS3505Prof Topics Class Automation Work with me to automate assignment checking, tests, class notes updates, etc. Battlefield Visualization over the Internet provide internet front end to an image generation C++ program Cooperative Project Experiment Explore cooperative internet project managers Software development Users group
Project Proposal Outline Title: short phrase Description: Paragraph description of content, audience, and objective Research + Material sources: Where are you going to get the content? Research references , Image and effects? Architecture: Layout of pages and content story board Web host: Where will the project be hosted and what services will be required from the host (NPS, Other) Tools: Which tools do you plan to use ( fronpage, flash,…)
Architecture slide function, And special effects requirements. Show navigation structure main Back-ground Sub-topic 1 Sub-topic 1 links To web Flash player
CS3505 Class Interface Page …/WB_CS3505/ StudentExampleDirectory External Home page Your directory Interface page Assignment Project External Isp or NPS hosted? Your choice Local pages and directories
Project Examples Korea Project Inet Services Business Project Home page, dynamic graphics Feedback form, Contact me Navigation buttons, research lists Note the Proposal Inet Services Find the password Internet services Business Project Simple interface Business project
Web Page Critique Look at home pages in CS3505 and or on the web Rate by the following criteria - load speed Visual clarity Distractions Info fit Info Available - Clear navigation - Adequate Navigation - User Return Path - Clear user instructions