Jana Conner's 8th Grade Science Class
e_of_the_elements.png.html e_of_the_elements.png.html Welcome To The Periodic Table of Elements
How does the How does the Periodic Table of Elements help us to understand that matter is composed of atoms and has chemical and physical properties?
How it the Periodic Table of Elements composed? How do we determine the physical properties of elements by looking at the Periodic Table of Elements? What makes up a group? What makes up a period?
Tom Lehrer's "The Elements" Animated
They Might Be Giants: "Meet the Elements" (BB Video)
Activity 1 Adapted from ctablefd.pdf. ctablefd.pdf Open a spreadsheet program (e.g. Microsoft Excel or Numbers) or a database program. Your teacher will provide a copy of the incomplete element data file (Table 1). A. Load the element data file into your spreadsheet or database program.
C. Now complete the third field of the data file (state at room temperature). Hint: Roll over the symbol in the periodic table – this will tell you the state of each element at room temperature – whether it is a solid, liquid or a gas. B. Using the periodic table on the website able.html, find the symbols missing from the data file. Key the symbols into the second field of the data file. able.html
D. Sort the elements in the data file by their state (field 3). This will group the elements by state into solids, liquids and gases. The elements that are gases and the one that is a liquid are all non-metals. Some of the solid elements are metals and the rest are non-metals.
E. Find out which of the solid elements in your data file are metals. Look at the appearance of the element in the periodic table – if it is silvery or lustrous in appearance, it is likely to be a metal. F. Now complete the last field in your data file (metal or non- metal?) G. Create a pie chart comparing the metals to the non- metals. H. Copy the pie chart to a word processing document (e.g. Microsoft Word or Pages).
I. Under the pie chart, answer the following questions: 1. What do you notice about the arrangement of metals and non-metals in the periodic table? 2. What do you notice about the percentage of metals to non-metals? 3. What are three properties that we looked at on the periodic table that separate the elements from one another?
J. Create a Wordle describing the different characteristics that distinguish the elements from each other. Copy and paste it on the bottom of the word processing document. Don't forget to put your name on your paper.
Activity 2 Create a concept map using either iThoughts on the iPad or Microsoft Word on the desktop computer. The concept map should explain how the Periodic Table of Elements is set up. You may refer back to previous information that we have already studied, or you may view the following links:
4.htm e_2.htm
The concept map should include the following: - At least 3 levels on at least 2 branches, - At least two graphic icons, - At least two uploaded files, - The icons should alternate shapes, - The icons should have a colored background, - Changed text font and size.
Please print you concept map or upload it to your science blog for this class.
Activity 3 Complete the Webquest found at _webquest.htm. _webquest.htm You will have one week to complete the Periodic Table WebQuest.
Print the Webquest off. There are several different parts that you will need to complete. Please complete each part before going on to the next part.
Unit Links Apps Periodic Table + for iPad Periodic Table Links Periodic Table of Videos
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htm 34.htm - e_2.htm e_2.htm - e_webquest.htm e_webquest.htm Created in Keynote