Program Proposals: New Business Academic Council October 6 th,
AAS Surgical Technology Dixie State University requests approval to offer Associate of Applied Science Degree in Surgical Technology effective Fall Semester
ESL Certificates of Proficiency The DSU ESL Program would like to offer two English Proficiency Certificates (Intermediate and Advanced) to students who have taken and succeeded in our core classes given at each level. 4
CIT Digital Design Emphasis Restructure We are requesting to update Digital Design Emphasis to include 3 newly required courses: Digital Photography, Graphic Design History, and Publication Design. The number of elective requirements will be reduced by 3 courses to accommodate. Also, Web 3100 is being replaced with DES 3100 and WEB 3000 is being replaced with WEB Additionally, the elective choices are undergoing several additions and deletions (see Section V: Program Curriculum). 5
CIT Computer Science Emphasis Restructure We are requesting to change required items of the emphasis as follows: The “Complete ONE of the following courses” section is collapsed into just CS 3200, which becomes required. Additionally, the elective choices are undergoing several additions and deletions (see Section V: Program Curriculum). 6
CIT Web Design & Development Emphasis Restructure We are requesting to change required items of the emphasis as follows: Web 3000, 4000, and 4010 will be replaced with Web 3400, 3200, and 4200 respectively. Web 4400 is being added. Elective credits are being reduced by 3 to accommodate. Additionally, the elective choices are undergoing several additions and deletions (see Section V: Program Curriculum). 7
Automotive Technology Discontinue Dixie State University is requesting discontinuation of its Automotive Technology Program effective July 1 st, The program is being transferred to Dixie Applied Technology College. 8
Integrated Studies Emphasis in Film Production, Media Studies and Comm Studies The Departments of Media Studies and Communication Studies request the addition to the Integrated Studies program an Emphasis in Film Production, Media Studies, and Communication Studies. Currently, the Integrated Studies program has an emphasis in Communication with tracks in Media Studies, Film Production, and Communication Studies. This proposal simply seeks to make the current tracks into emphases to better align the programs with the structure of the Communication Studies and Media Studies degree programs. 9
Communication Studies Minor The purpose of the Communication Studies minor will be to enhance and enable DSU students’ skills for effective performance in the workplace upon graduation. The primary activities this request would impact may include the creation of a minor course schedule and the formation of additional course sections to fulfill student demand. Depending on the popularity of this minor, instructors may have increased number of students in each section and academic advisors may have increased demand for their services. 10
Media Studies Minor The proposed minor in Media Studies will give DSU students an opportunity to add a course of study to their programs that focuses on the most pervasive and ubiquitous industry of their time. Indeed, all students would benefit from enhancing their skills in being media consumers and producers. An understanding of media processes, ethical principles, and production techniques allows graduating students to make use of the media and be skeptical of what they view, hear, or read. Thus, the Department of Media Studies requests the addition of a Minor in Media Studies. 11
Communication Minor Discontinue As new minors in Communication Studies & Media Studies will be offered, DSU requests a discontinue of the generic Communication minor. 12