Created by Caren Barnes
slavery: the wrongful practice of owning a person as property. network: an organized and connected system fugitives: people who are running away. slave: a person who is the property of another conductor: a code word used by people involved in the Underground Railroad to talk about a person who helped slaves escape. coaches: passenger vehicles drawn by horses. severe: harsh or extremely painful. master: a person who owned slaves. Drinking Gourd- code name the slaves used for the Big Dipper
Look at the photograph of hiding places in a safe house. Questions: As an underground fugitive, select one of the three hiding places and explain why you would be hiding in that location. What are some things you would do to make sure your spot is not compromised or discovered by slave hunters? How would hiding in this location make you feel as you are being hunted by slave hunters?
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Sometimes fugitives would be transported from one station to another in false- bottom wagons.
Located on the Ohio River near Ripley, Ohio. Assisted hundreds of escaped slaves. Was considered one of the first stations of Ohio’s Underground Railroad to 1865
100 steps leading from the Ohio River to the Rankin house.
The Reuben Benedict House is located at 1463 County Rd. 24, in Peru Township near Marengo, Ohio Active station on the Underground Railroad.
Stark County Massillon, Ohio This house had a hidden staircase leading from the basement to the second floor. No slaves were ever caught in this house.
This was often the last stop before crossing Lake Erie into Canada. Was in close proximity to the shore of Lake Erie. No slaves were caught in this house. Ashtabula, Ohio
Why did some fugitive slaves risk their lives to travel through Ohio and settle in Canada?