Welcome to A level History! 1.Name your folder 2.Read the contents of folder (handbook) 3. Britain books
Course Overview Edexcel (GCE from 2008) AS Level - 50% of A level -British History - (Sources, Jan exam, 50% AS level, 25% total A level) -Scramble for Africa and Decolonisation of Africa (Knowledge, June exam, 50% AS level, 25% total A level) A level – 50% of A level -Nazi Germany, may become Cold War (Knowledge and Sources, 30% of A level) -Coursework on Technology and Warfare (Knowledge and Sources, 20% of A level)
Expectations Participate and enjoy History! Complete all set class work and homework Attend lessons punctually unless you have a valid excuse, for which you should preferably inform me in advance and catch up on missed work Carry out extra reading and research every week – I will check A level History is a demanding A level, it will be a step up from GCSE, do not panic, and please speak to me about any concerns/confusions etc. If you meet these expectations and work hard you will do very well in A level History If you do not meet expectations you may not be able to continue with A level History
British Political History : Consensus and Conflict In pairs make notes to these questions… Why is it called this? (e.g. called this because…) What do you know already about British Political History in this period? (e.g. I know about Thatcher…)
It will help to gain an overview to start with… Task 1 – Use your books to find out the main events and figures for one of the following periods. Write it onto your section of the timeline and be ready to feedback in 20 minutes. 1.Labour Conservative Years of Consensus – (Labour, Conservative, Labour) 4.Conservative –
The Britain exam paper will be marked on… Sources Inference Cross Referencing Own Knowledge
Inference, own knowledge, cross referencing. Lets try this with something you know about Which area would you say is your weakest skill?
Why did Labour win the 1945 election? We will be looking at this this week. Labour was founded in 1900 and became more popular than the liberals in the early 1920s. It formed minority governments in 1924 and It was in a wartime coalition under Churchill from 1940 to When the 1945 elections were called many believed that the national hero Churchill would win by default. However, in 1945 Labour stormed to victory and won 393 out of 622 seats, with an impressive majority of 180 seats over the Conservatives. Think pair share Why do you think labour won? What do you need to know more about to answer this question?
1.Read p. 24 of your edexcel book and your hand out. Stretching – read more of the edexcel book for a fuller picture 2.Fill in your table explaining why Labour won the 1945 election. 3.Try to link the different factors together. 4.Add details – names, facts, figures, dates. Why did Labour win the 1945 election? Photograph of election posters 1945
Churchill’s arrogance – can you add anything from these cartoons? p. 21, 23 cartoons edexcel Why did Labour win the 1945 election?
Can you add anything from this Andrew Marr clip? Ext. Is there anything you would criticise as not being historically accurate in this clip? Why did Labour win the 1945 election?
Why was the Beveridge plan so important to this victory? Socialism pp Edexcel Why did Labour win the 1945 election?
Answer this question in a short paragraph. Hwk - Using sources B, C and E on pp , why did labour win the 1945 election? (Remember inference, cross referencing and own knowledge). 1.Jan 2012 exam Q Why did Labour win the 1945 election?