Print and Electronic Resources at the ACC Library as well as some great resources on the Internet
The electronization of the library: online databases and Internet replacing/supplementing print resources
Is the traditional bricks-and-mortar library an endangered species? Information in the form of reference resources, periodicals and books are increasingly available from home
Is the traditional bricks-and-mortar library an endangered species? Print information is still superior to online information in terms of quantity and quality
Is the traditional bricks-and-mortar library an endangered species? ACC Library print resources are still indispensable: e.g., business reference, literary criticisms, among others
Electronic Resources ACC Library website (CARL catalog and subscription databases) Internet resources
Reference Virtual reference (retains element of human interaction) Dictionaries, encyclopedias, handbooks, manuals, directories, legal resources, etc. Resources can be general or subject-specific
Reference Factual answers to who, what, when, where, why, how A few words or sentences: names, dates, statistics, brief explanations or narratives
ACC electronic reference resources Library Web page: LibraryDatabases.html (special passwords available for access from home)
ACC Online Reference *accessible off-campus Encyclopedia Britannica* and World Book Associations Unlimited Statistical Universe Biography and Genealogy Master Index Contemporary Authors and Contemporary Literary Criticism Select
Internet Reference Resources
Periodical Resources scholarly & trade journals magazines newspapers
Periodical Resources primary, peer-reviewed secondary current information
ACC Print Periodical Resources 300 subscriptions (listed in “periodicals list”), available in hard copy and microform newspaper, magazine indexes, including Psychological Abstracts book review indexes interlibrary loan
ACC Online Periodical Resources (Subscription-based) AskERIC EBSCO Host InfoTrac Magazine Index Ingenta Newsbank OCLC ProQuest
Internet Periodical Resources infotrieve Electric Library Internet Public Library AJR Newslink
Internet Periodical Resources Electronic journals, e-zines, newsletters: Directory of Scholarly Electronic Journals and Academic Discussion Lists Electronic Journal Miner Harrasowitz de/ms/ejresguide.html#Journals New Jour Newsletters, Journals and Zines on WWW
Book Resources: Library Catalogs CARLweb on ACC Library page other CARL library catalogs Prospector catalog ACLIN catalog OCLC
Book Resources: Library Catalogs also useful for-- interlibrary loan requests of books identifying libraries for walk-in use and checkout of books and periodicals with statewide library card
Book Resources: Online Full Text netLibrary on ACC Library page IPL Books Collection at Project Gutenberg at National Academy Press at
Creating Effective Library Assignments: Ideas and Principles ments.html (also contains links) ments.html www-
Selecting and Writing a Research Topic Print Resources at ACC Library Taking Sides (reference) Opposing Viewpoints (circulates) CQ Researcher (ref/circ) 10,000 Ideas for Research Papers (ref/circ) Encyclopedias (reference) Newspapers and magazines Table of contents and indexes of books
Selecting and Writing a Research Topic Print Resources at ACC Library: Manuals of style, such as MLA, and how-to term paper manuals searchable on CARLweb catalog
Selecting and Writing a Research Topic Online Resources: A+ Research and Writing Writing a Research Paper hypertext/ResearchW/ A Guide for Writing Research Papers