MVC Graduate Follow-up Surveys January 28, 2009 Instructional Council
Overview 1.Surveys 2.Attendance at multiple DCCCD colleges 3.General education skill ratings 4.University transfer highlights 5.Satisfaction with MVC experiences 6.Open comments summary
1. Surveys A. MVC Graduate Follow-Up Survey: online; Oct- Dec; 51 respondents B. DCCCD Graduates Survey: online; Jun-Jul –Graduates/Completers from MVC: 119 respondents –Total DCCCD Graduates/Completers: 1,510 respondents Representative Sample: – 119 / 375 total MVC Grads – 32% – 1,510 / 8,030 total DCCCD Grads – 19%
2. Multiple DCCCD colleges 35 /119 – 30% attended MVC only 208 (16%) of the respondents who reported graduating from other DCCCD colleges also attended MVC
2. Multiple DCCCD colleges 70% (80/114) MVC Graduates also attended: BHC23 / 20% CVC24 / 21% EFC14 / 12% ECC25 / 22% NLC14 / 12% RLC13 / 11% TeleCollege11 / 10%
2. Multiple DCCCD colleges GradsGraduated from:Also attended BHC CVC EFC ECC MVC NLC RLC TeleCollege138
3. General Ed Skills Rate how well your MVC experience helped improve your general education skills. (51 respondents: % Very much + % Somewhat) –Reading: 75%, Writing: 79%, –Speaking: 84%, Listening: 77%, –Critical Thinking: 88%, –Computer Literacy: 72%
3. General Ed Skills Describe your satisfaction with the educational preparation you received from MVC in the following skill areas: ( 119 respondents: % Very Satisfied + % Satisfied) –Reading: 83%, Writing: 83%, –Math: 77%, Problem Solving: 82%, –Computer Literacy: 82%
3. General Ed Skills Describe your satisfaction with the educational preparation you received from your college in the following skill areas: ( 1,510 respondents: % Very Satisfied + % Satisfied) –Reading: 90%, Writing: 88%, –Math: 80%, Problem Solving: 86%, –Computer Literacy: 84%
4. University transfer 65% continuing their higher education 58% said their MVC experience prepared them “Very well” to transfer to a university Top universities transferred to: –UT - Arlington: 30 –UNT – Denton: 12; UNT – Dallas: 6 –Dallas Baptist University: 4 –TX State – San Marcos: 4
5. MVC Experiences SatisfiedDissatisfied Availability of Classes 95%5% Quality of Advising 86%14% Quality of Instruction 98%2% Faculty availability-helpfulness 93%7% Financial aid services 51%16% Lab facilities / equipment 95%2% Graduation application process 91%9% May graduation ceremony 60%0%
6. Open comments summary Frequent positive comments: –Rising Star; Service Learning –SPAR; other clubs and athletics –Science classes and faculty; Online classes Frequent “opportunity” comments: –Academic advising –Computer classes; HIT classes –Writing formats; Online classes
6. Open comments summary positive comment example: –“The online classes available at MVC made a huge impact on my success. I loved the flexibility and convenience of these classes. They helped me to complete my degree in less time than I was expecting it to take. It is because of the numerous online classes offered, that I chose to attend Mountain View College in the first place.”
6. Open comments summary “opportunity” comment example: –“The only aspect of MVC that I did not care for was the student / teacher interaction in the online classes. I would have liked there to have been more communication with the instructors. I wish they would have sent more s and made more posts on the discussion boards.”
6. Open comments summary positive comment example: –“Service Learning was great, Teacher Prep Program helped a whole lot, all the activities that go on in the front plaza, Kite Festival, Star Watching Party, LULAC, Finan Aid office friendly and helpful, Sports, Speech and English Depts, Science and Hist Depts. Admissions employees always helpful, all of the participation that MVC has with the surrounding DISD schools, especially participating with the students at Bethune, I always appreciated the fact that universities would go visit as well as the job fairs.”