Writing Bay Area Foreign Language Program at Stanford University day seminar Level B Elizabeth Matchett
What are the challenges we face when we want our students to write in the target language? Groups of 3-4 Get a poster paper and markers Discuss this question and make a poster to present your answers to the group 5 minutes to discuss and prepare 1 minute to present
Meeting the Challenge Have a clear objective for your writing task. Make sure you present a task that has a real world purpose Write a prompt that is clear, concise, and consistent with your objective Create your rubric--how will you know if the student has met your objective?
Ready-made rubrics PALS rubrics Montgomery County MD WL writing rubric Montgomery County MD WL writing rubric Cathedral High School South Windsor High School, CT
To do: In pairs, adapt or create a rubric that fits the writing task presented in the model lesson. Tell what language and level the rubric is for If you are adapting a rubric, show what parts you have adapted to fit your own circumstances. Tell why.