Short information about subject AddressTashkent Medical AcademyForobiy-2 DepartmentGynecology and ObstetricsTreatment faculty Scope and direction of education – «healthcare and ensuring» treatment work Information about the studied subject teacher: S.N.P Choriyeva G.Z. Time and place of employment , TMA II clnic, 6 build, 54 floor Continuing subject: 39 lesson Hours on an individual schedule: Monday,Wednesday,Friday from to Hours reserved for the subject AuditoryСРС lecture - 8 (16h)Practise hour Communication object with other objects (prerequisites): The Faculty "Medicine" anatomy, histology and cytology, Biology, Normal Physiology, Biochemistry, Pathology, Pathological Physiology, Topographic anatomy Islands operative surgery, internal medicine propedeutics,, Oncology, Radiology, Endocrinology, Faculty of hospitals and therapy Postproperties;
Anemia and pregnancy. Kidney diseases and pregnancy (fever during pregnancy, cystitis, acute pyelonephritis during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period). Diagnosis. The tactics of the GPs. Relevance and a summary of the subject: Anemia - a group of clinical hematological syndromes, characterized by reducing concentration of hemoglobin in the blood, often with a simultaneous decrease in the number of erythrocytes (red blood cells or total). Iron is an important element in the human body. Iron is an organic part of hemoglobin and transports oxygen in the body. In addition, iron is an integral part of cytochrome oxidase, succinate dehydrogenase, myoglobin. In the day with a meal supplied 10-20mg of iron, from which it is absorbed only mg. Increasing knowledge on tactics of maintaining pregnant women with EGZ. Development of ability of an assessment, the analysis of a situation, development of risk factors, a maintaining tactics choice, diagnostics and treatments of pregnant women with anemia, with diseases of kidneys, and urinary tract in the conditions of primary link. And also to study with students the course of pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperal period criteria of hospitalization and post- stationary rehabilitation.. Identify groups at risk for anemia 2. Identify groups at risk for kidney 3. Carry out clinical examination with laboratory and instrumental methods. 3. Generate and validate a clinical diagnosis 4. Define the criteria of hospitalization of these diseases.
Course Description Requirements to students: Have respect for teachers and fellow students; Comply with the internal order and discipline TMA; During the lessons do not use mobile phones; During and qualitatively homework; Do not miss classes without good reason; In the case of absenteeism during their work; Do not be late to class; Classes come in the form of (a dressing gown, cap, indoor shoes) Classes bring a laptop, stethoscope, sphygmomanometer; If the student is not satisfied with the rating points, it must during the day after the announcement of appeal to the Appeals Commission in writing. Terms of use to communicate with the teacher The relationship between the teacher and can be carried out via . The estimate obtained by students during class and on exams by phone are not discussed. Time ing from to 20.00
№ThemaLecture Practical lesson Indepande nce work IW 1. Anemia and pregnancy. Kidney diseases and pregnancy (fever during pregnancy, cystitis, acute pyelonephritis during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period). Diagnosis. The tactics of the GPs. 2h2h6h 3h The list of practical skills. 1. Determination of pregnancy and childbirth 2. Outside obstetrical examination of pregnant women; 3. Determination of fetal weight (See annex to the tutorial skills) Фан мавзулари ва унга ажратилган соатлар тақсимоти:
№View of controlMaximal markCoefficient passing score 1 Monitoring with the CDS 500,527,527,5 2 intermediate control 200,211,0 3 The final control (OSKE + test) 300,316,5 All ,0
Main literature Акушерство. Айламазян Э.К. 2001г. С-Питербург. Акушерство и гинекология. Савельева Г.М., Сичинава Л.Г., М.ГЭОТАР медицина.1998г Руководство для ВОП. Мерта. Англия,1998г Шехтман М.М. «Экстрагенитальные заболевания и беременность» М., 2005г. Дородовый уход (Краткое справочное руководство), Ташкент, с Оказание помощи при осложненном течении беременности и родов (Руководство для акушеров и врачей) WHO, 2002 г. (издание Могилевкина И.А.). Справочник врача общей практики, Мерта,Англия, 1998г. Suppliment literature Активное ведение родов. Айламазян Э.К. Руководство по контрацепции. Хамасуридзе А.,1998г Ведение беременности и родов у женщин с экстрагенитальными заболеваниями. Методические пособие. Наджмутдинова Д.К. и другие Т.,2000г. Site internet html hide menu