Interviewing - The process HR & P provide all essential documents needed for interviewing through the intranet
Writing Interview Questions Identify criteria from PS What evidence is needed? Identify ideal answers Work backwards to the question Ask the same questions to each candidate Ask probing questions Agree the scoring system in advance
Asking Questions Give examples of questions: Leading Probing Open Closed
Exercise 11 Write 2-3 interview questions Start by identifying ideal answers. Template in booklet p24 Evidence of excellent keyboard skills: speed, accuracy, software packages, copying data, spell check, charts, format text, illustrations. Don’t forget a welcome, introduction and close
Scoring Interview Questions Decide the scoring system in advance Take notes Score independently Score only the information you are given Discuss differences in scoring Agree on outcome Keep notes for feedback
Managers’ Responsibility Meet & Greet Accessibility Refreshments Cultural Issues Equipment Hearing Loop Checking Documents Feedback Further guidance is available on the intranet