Final Performance Report (FPR) Requirements June 11, and 2010 Teacher Quality Partnership (TQP) Grantees
Agenda Purpose of FPR and Deadlines Parts of the ED524B Form Match Requirement How to Submit the FPR 2
Purpose Final Performance Reports are REQUIRED of all ED grantees FPRs help to ensure that individual TQP projects have made substantial progress toward meeting GPRA performance measures and project objectives as described in the funded application FPRs cover progress made over the final year of the grant period, as well as, provide outcomes and shortfalls over the life of the entire grant cycle. 3
Reporting Requirements Finish all project implementation by the project end date Complete all drawdowns for expenditures If you are a 2009 grantee, you will have a 90 day Liquidation period to complete drawdowns If you are a 2010 grantee, all drawdowns must be completed by September 30, 2015 before funds automatically revert to Treasury Prepare and submit a Final Performance Report within 90 days of the project end date A signed cover sheet is imperative for the FPR submission 4
Parts of the Final Performance Report Grantees will complete a Final Performance Report using the ED 524B reporting form Cover Sheet and Executive Summary Project Status Chart – Section A- GPRA, HEA, and Project Related Performance Measure Data – Section B- Budget Information – Section C- Changes/Additional Information 5
Sample FPR Cover Sheet U336S X
FPR Executive Summary 7 The executive summary should be a 5-7 page concise and focused overview of the work you have done in the last year of the grant and over the life of the grant. This summary should tell the story of your accomplishments, challenges, total teacher numbers and lessons learn over this grant cycle. Cumulative Data To Be Collected: Final Progress towards meeting GPRA, HEA, and Project Measures List Target participant numbers and Actual participant numbers Describe activities and strategies that worked well over the course of your grant cycle Discuss overall progress toward meeting the goals of your Competitive Preference Priority plan from 2009 and 2010
FPR Executive Summary 8 Report your total enrollment, graduation, and retention numbers EnrolledGraduatedHiredRetained 1yRetained 3y Enrolled: Newly enrolled in the reformed teacher prep program, or newly enrolled in the teacher residency program Graduated: Graduated from the programs with licensure /certification Hired: Hired into the high-needs partner school district Retained 1y: Still teaching in the high-needs partner school district 1 year following the date of hire Retained 3y: Still teaching in the high-needs partner school district 3 years following the date of hire
FPR Executive Summary 9 Legacy Questions: 1. In addition to producing high quality new teachers, what impact has TQP had on the partner IHE and LEA(s)? 2. Describe the major challenges and lessons learned during the project period. 3. Provide your estimated cost per program graduate for your TQP grant. Provide the formula used to arrive at this amount and what services are included in this cost. 4. Describe your plan to disseminate promising practices from your TQP grant? 5. Use a chart to identify key reforms made by your program and how you will sustain these reforms after federal funding. ReformSustainability Plan
10 Questions
TQP GPRA Measures Performance Measure 1: Graduation. The percentage of program completers who-- (i)Attain initial certification/licensure by passing all necessary licensure/certification assessments and attain a bachelor’s degree (pre- baccalaureate program) within six years or a master’s degree (residency program) within two years; or (ii)Attain Highly Competent Early Childhood Educator (HCECE) status with a bachelor’s degree within six years or an associate’s degree within three years. Performance Measure 2: Employment Retention. The percentage of beginning teachers who are retained in teaching in the partner high-need LEA or ECE program three years after initial employment; Performance Measure 3: Improved Scores. The percentage of grantees that report improved scaled scores for initial state certification or licensure of teachers; 11
TQP GPRA MEASURES 4. Efficiency Measure: Employment Retention. The cost of a successful outcome where success is defined as retention in the partner high-need LEA or ECE program three years after initial employment; Because the performance measures already listed would not provide data for a number of years, the Department has also created the following two measures that will provide data in a shorter timeframe— 5i. Short-Term Performance Measure 1: Persistence. The percentage of program participants who did not graduate in the previous reporting period, and who persisted in the postsecondary program in the current reporting period; and 5ii. Short-Term Performance Measure 2: Employment Retention. The percentage of beginning teachers who are retained in teaching in the partner high-need LEA or ECE program one year after initial employment. 12
Target Data vs. Actual Data Target Data Target data are the goals for each measure as stated in the approved application. Target data should match the targets in the application Actual Data Actual data are the measures of actual performance for this performance period 13 Please use ratios and percentages, not raw numbers.
Section A- Status Chart Performance Measure: GRADUATIONMeasure TypeQuantitative Data The percentage of program completers who-- (i)Attain initial certification/licensure by passing all necessary licensure/certification assessments and attain a bachelor’s degree (pre- baccalaureate program) within six years or a master’s degree (residency program) within two years;. GPRA TargetActual Performance Data Raw Number Ratio% Raw Number Ratio% 60/807560/8075 Reporting Instructions: 1. Identify the number of students who completed the program during the school year by passing their licensure/certification and attained a bachelor’s degree within six years or a master’s degree within two years. (Program Completers) 2. Identify the number of students who enrolled full-time in the IHE program school year (pre-bac/5th year), or in (residency), who were participants in the school of education or academic programs covered by TQP reforms.(Program Participants) 3. Use the total (Program Completers) as the numerator and the total (Program Participants) as the denominator. This fraction is the ratio and the percentage to be listed in the GPRA Report: Performance Measure 1i. If the ratio is 60/80, the percentage is 75%.
Section A- Status Chart Performance Measure: GRADUATIONMeasure TypeQuantitative Data The percentage of program completers who-- (ii) (Attain Highly Competent Early Childhood Educator (HCECE) status with a bachelor’s degree within six years or an associate’s degree within three years. GPRA TargetActual Performance Data Raw Number Ratio% Raw Number Ratio% 60/807560/8075 Reporting Instructions: 1. Identify the number of students who completed the program during the school year by attaining HCECE with a bachelor’s degree in six years or an associate’s degree in three years. (Program Completers) 2. Identify the number of students who enrolled full-time in the IHE program school year (pre-bac/5th year), or in an associates program in , who were participants in the school of education or academic programs covered by TQP reforms. (Program Participants) 3. Use the total (Program Completers) as the numerator and the total (Program Participants) as the denominator. This fraction is the ratio and the percentage to be listed in the GPRA Report: Performance Measure 1ii. If the ratio is 60/80, the percentage is 75%.
Section A- Status Chart Performance Measure: EMPLOYMENT RETENTIONMeasure TypeQuantitative Data The percentage of beginning teachers who are retained in teaching in the partner high-need LEA or ECE program three years after initial employment; (Same as HEA 204(a)(2)) GPRA TargetActual Performance Data Raw Number Ratio% Raw Number Ratio% 60/807524/3080 Reporting Instructions: 1. Identify the number of graduates of the IHE programs covered by TQP reforms, who became teachers of record in the school year in a partner high-need LEA or ECE program. (Beginning Teachers) 2. Identify the number of beginning teachers who began teaching in the eligible schools in school year and are still teaching in eligible schools in the school year. (Retained Teachers) 3. Take the total (Retained Teachers) as the numerator and the total (Beginning Teachers) as the denominator. This fraction is the ratio and the percentage to be listed in the GPRA Report: Performance Measure 2. If the ratio is 24/30, the percentage is 80%.
Section A- Status Chart Performance Measure: IMPROVED SCORESMeasure TypeQuantitative Data The percentage of grantees that report improved scaled scores for initial state certification or licensure of teachers; (Same as HEA 204(a)(3)) GPRA TargetActual Performance Data Raw Number Ratio% Raw Number Ratio% 3/560%3/560% Reporting Instructions: 1. Identify the different type of licensure tests offered. (Area of Certification) 2. Identify the average score for each subject area that is covered by the TQP program during the year or years before the TQP grant (Baseline). 3. Determine and list the average score for each subject area from school year (Actual). 4. Amongst the different type of licensure tests offered in subjects covered by TQP reforms, record number of licensure tests in which the reporting period score was greater than the baseline score. If five different types of licensure tests were offered, and the average score on three of those tests was greater than the baseline score, the number of licensure tests offered would be entered as five and the number of licensure tests with improved scaled scores would be three. This data would be recorded for GPRA 3.
Section A- Status Chart 18 Above is a sample chart on how to report data for GPRA Measure 3
Section A- Status Chart Efficiency Measure: EMPLOYMENT RETENTIONMeasure TypeQuantitative Data The cost of a successful outcome where success is defined as retention in the partner high-need LEA or ECE program three years after initial employment; GPRA TargetActual Performance Data Raw Number Ratio $ Raw Number Ratio $ $5,000,000 /40 $125,000 Reporting Instructions: 1. Identify the number of teachers who began teaching in the eligible schools in the school year and are still teaching in eligible schools in the school year. Identify the number of teachers who have been retained in the partner LEAs for three years. This may include those who reached the three year retention mark in , as well as those who reached the mark in prior performance periods.(Retained Teachers) 2. Identify total TQP Federal dollars obligated between October 1, 2014 and September 30, 2015.(Total $) 3. Take the (Total $) as the numerator and the total (Retained Teachers) as the denominator. This fraction will be entered under ratio for GPRA 4. If the total cost is $5,000,000 and the total number of teachers is 40, the fraction will be $5,000,000/40. Under %, list the quotient, in this case, $125,000.
Section A- Status Chart 20 5i. Short-Term Performance Measure 1: Persistence.Measure TypeQuantitative Data The percentage of program participants who did not graduate in the previous reporting period, and who persisted in the postsecondary program in the current reporting period; GPRA TargetActual Performance Data Raw Number Ratio% Raw Number Ratio% 90/ Reporting Instructions: 1. Identify the number of students who were in the program during the school year who were also in the program in the school year. Students who are still enrolled beyond their senior year should be included, and those who graduated at some point in are included. (Persisters) 2. Identify the number of students who were in the program during the school year who graduated in (Graduates) 3. Identify the number of students who were in the program during the school year. This is the (Participants) 4. Subtract the number of (Graduates) from the (Participants) 5. Take the total (Persisters) as the numerator and the total (Participants-Graduates) as the denominator. The resulting fraction should be listed under ratio for this short term measure. The percentage should be listed under % for this short term measure. EX. If the fraction is 90/105, the percentage should be 86%.
Section A- Status Chart 21 5ii. Short-Term Performance Measure 2: Employment RetentionMeasure TypeQuantitative Data The percentage of beginning teachers who are retained in teaching in the partner high-need LEA or ECE program one year after initial employment. GPRA TargetActual Performance Data Raw Number Ratio% Raw Number Ratio% 45/55 81 Reporting Instructions: 1. Identify the number of graduates of the IHE programs covered by TQP reforms, who became teachers of record in the school year in a partner high-need LEA or ECE program. (Beginning teachers) 2. Identify the number of beginning teachers who began teaching in the eligible schools in school year and are still teaching in eligible schools in the school year. (Retained teachers) 3. Take the total (Retained teachers) as the numerator and the total (Beginning Teachers) as the denominator. This fraction is the ratio and the percentage to be listed in the GPRA Report: Performance Measure 5ii.
22 Questions
Section B—Budget Information Provide an overview of the expenses for the performance period with a budget summary chart and a narrative explanation A budget summary chart should be included using budget categories from the ED 524 budget form Show actual expenditures, and any remaining carryover/unspent funds for the entire project period. Provide explanations for deviations from the approved budget. Describe how funds were spent, why there are unspent funds, why there is a difference in use of funds across the budget categories, and any budgetary issues. 23
Section B- Budget Information 24 Budget Categories Year 1 Actual Expenditures Year 2 Actual Expenditures Year 3 Actual Expenditures Year 4 Actual Expenditures Year 5 Actual Expenditures Carryover/Unused funds Personnel $70,000 $0 Fringe $10,000 $0 Travel $20,000 $16,845 $3,155 Equipment $7,000 $5,413 $1,587 Supplies $30,000 $10,465 $19,535 Contractual $100,000 $75,087 $24,913 Other $40,000 $25,789 $14,211 Total Direct Costs $277,000 $213,599 $63,401 Indirect Costs $11,634 $8,971 $2,663 Training Stipends $20,000 $28,000 -$8,000 Total Costs$308,634$250,570 $121,465
Section B—Budget Information 25 Eastern Tech University 10/1/14- 9/30/15 Expended in Final Reporting Period Final Reporting Period Carryover/Unused Funds Personnel Project Administrator (80%) $ 40,000 Project Coordinator (100%) $ 30,000 Clerical Support (50%) $ 14,000$ 6,000 Grant Management (10%) $ 3,500 $ 1,500 Category Total $ 87,500 $ 77,500 Fringe Benefits $ - Fringe Benefits78,450 $ 37,950 Category Total78,450 $ 37,950 Travel $ - Staff site visit-local $ 3,600 $ 1,400 Conference travel $ 11,000 $ 4,000 Summer induction camp travel/lodging $ 1,500 $ 22,500 Category Total $ 16,100 $ 27,900 Contractual $ - AVM Evaluation Co $ 13,000 $ 37,000 TMG Grant Services $ 14,000 $ 16,000 Clark County Public Schools $ 176,000 $ 24,000 Category Total $ 203,000 $ 220,350 This amount will be de-obligated.
Section B—Budget Information Matching Funds Describe any matching funds received in the final reporting period and how they were spent. Calculate the cumulative amount of matching funds over the life of the grant. Make sure your final budget reflects that the total matching funds match the total grant funds, minus any waivers granted. 26
Section B—Budget Information Matching Funds Include a chart that includes the amount of waiver request received as applicable for each year. Please keep records of how matching funds were used and all waiver approval letters from the Dept. of Education in case of audits. 27 YearAward AmountAmount Waived Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 If your grant did not receive a waiver in a particular year, insert N/A.
28 Questions
Section C—Additional Information Provide updates on the evaluation plan, including copies of the final evaluation report DO NOT use this section to attach press clippings, meeting agendas, materials, testimonials, and other “extras”; please send these to your ED project officer under separate cover 29
FPR Submission Tips Always address GPRA Measures first, then HEA measures, finally individual Project Measures Provide relevant detail in a succinct format Complete all sections of the FPR Use numbers and always interpret data provided in layman’s terms Where possible, do not use vague language like more, most, or less. Please use more quantitative language that can be linked by to your program or project objectives. 30
How to Submit FPR FPRs should be ed directly to your assigned ED program contact DO NOT forget to include a signed ED 524 cover sheet, the grant cannot be closed without it Please scan and cover sheet to ED program contact 31
32 Questions
TQP FPR DUE DATE: Within 90 Days of Project End Date
Legacy Video Create a 2-3 minute video Upload to your video to You Tube and the video link to your ED Program Contact The video should include: #1 Lesson Learned What are 1-2 accomplishments that you are most proud of? What were your game changers? What would you tell a new grantee? Testimonials from teacher(s) that participated in your TQP grant What do you know now that you didn’t know before TQP? What will you miss most about your TQP grant. Due Date: Tuesday, September 1,