1 Getting to know TEAM FTA’s Internet-Accessible Grants, Project, and Financial Management System
2 What does FTA do with it’s annual budget? Administrative o Payroll, rent, etc. Program Grants Program Support o Paying contractors, consultants, other agencies, etc. Not tracked in TEAM
3 Program Description - FTA Programs Project Count Obligated Amount USC 5320 Paul S. Sarbanes Transit in Parks Program *9$11,748,099 USC 5339 Alternatives Analysis16$11,271,350 USC 5303/5304/5305 Metropolitan and State Planning55$159,592,154 USC 5307 Urbanized Area875$3,687,670,560 USC 5308 Clean Fuels Grant Program17$41,701,478 USC 5309 Bus and Bus Facilities436$683,119,195 USC 5309 Fixed Guideway Modernization73$1,371,675,931 USC 5309 New Starts41$916,651,568 USC 5310 Elderly and Individuals with Disabilities68$195,497,924 USC 5311 Non-Urbanized Area72$391,180,201 USC 5311 Tribal Transit57$10,315,117 USC 5314 National Research5$4,263,414 USC 5316 JARC189$136,112,999 USC 5317 New Freedom177$84,774,075 TEA Over-the-Road-Bus76$15,002,734 Emergency Supplementals1$252,169 Miscellaneous FHWA Transfers9$41,410,202 ARRA - USC 5307 Urbanized Area564$5,385,248,535 ARRA - USC 5307 Urbanized Area Formula Flex Transfer23$230,037,430 ARRA - USC 5309 Fixed Guideway Modernization47$737,781,730 ARRA - USC 5309 New Starts9$468,220,000 ARRA - USC 5311 Non-Urbanized Area65$608,248,954 ARRA - USC 5311 Non-Urbanized Area Flex Transfer4$18,116,651 Total2888$15,209,892,470
TEAM Project Types Grants make up 90% of the projects, but 97% of the $ 2888 projects
5 FTA Grant Programs and corresponding Managers Metropolitan Planning (5303, 5305), TPE Statewide Planning and Research (5304, 5305), TPE Large Urban Cities (5307), TPM Clean Fuels Formula Program (5308), TPM Major Capital Investments (New Starts & Small Starts) (5309), TPM Rail And Fixed Guideway Modernization (5309), TPM Buses And Bus Facilities (5309, 5318), TPM Transportation For Elderly And Persons With Disabilities (5310), TPM Rural And Small Urban Areas (5311), TPM Rural Transit Assistance Program (5311(b)(3)), TPM Public Transportation On Indian Reservations (5311(c)), TPM Transit Cooperative Research Program (5313), TRI National Technology And Research Program (5314), TRI Job Access And Reverse Commute Program (5316), TPM New Freedom Initiative (5317), TPM Transit In The Parks (5320), TBP Alaska Railroad (5338(a)), TPM University Transportation Centers Program (tea ), TRI Over The Road Bus Program, TPM Flexible Funds For Highway And Transit Flexible Funding, TBP
6 Project Types Formula & Discretionary Programs o Grants Program Support o Cooperative Agreements (Hire a contractor to do a project that has significant Federal Involvement) o Contracts/Procurements (Hire a contractor to do a project) o General Working Agreements (ex: Volpe) o Inter-agency Agreements (Outside DOT) o Intra-agency Agreements (Within DOT)
7 The money is made available… How do we get it to our grantees & contractors?
8 The Funding Process
10 Awarding Funds (formula/earmark)
11 TEAM:Tracks FTA program funds Where they come from (operating budgets) Who they go to (recipients) What they are used for (projects) o By Schedule (milestones) o By Activity (budgets) Reservations & Obligations (promised & dedicated amounts) Disbursements (payments) (non-administrative)
12 Grant Projects have… A place in their State Transportation Improvement Plan (STIP) or their local Metropolitan Planning Organization Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) A Project Record in TEAM (Application)
13 Program Support Projects have… A place in the FTA Program Plan or in a Concept Memo (which serves as a modification to the Program Plan). An Approval Package (attached to TEAM project) A Project Record in TEAM (Application)
14 COST CENTER (CODE)MANAGER COST CENTER (CODE)MANAGER TOA 61000Alicia NealCEN Phyllis Soldo (Lead) TAD Edwin Delong (1) CEN 69400Nicole Fils TAD Reginald Davis (10) WCF Edwin Delong (Lead) TAD GiGi Powell (20) TPE 71000Susan Rollman TAD Aarum Lindo (30) TRO Mary Mello TAD Nicole Fils (40) TRO Miriam Arce TCC 63000Patricia CohenTRO Deborah Brown TCA 64000Alisha NealTRO Rhonda King TPM 65000Janeise BeckwithTRO Angelica Salgado TBP 66000; TBP Rhonda Lee (Lead) TRO Caron Cathers TRI 67000; Bertha JacksonTRO Alfreda Lewis TCR 68000Cynthia PhiferTRO Charmaine Knighton CEN 69000Edwin DelongTRO Patricia Valentine CEN Tito Wills (Lead) TRO Hattie Wood CEN GiGi Powell (Lead) LMRO 72000Therese Trapp Cost Center Managers
15 Program Support Projects: The Approval Package Set of documents which fully describe the project in all the necessary legal detail o Approval Request Document o A Statement of Work Describes the scope and duration of the project, including any deliverables or other milestones. o A Government Cost Estimate (GCE) A complete breakdown of the individual project activities and their associated costs Templates for each project type found on FTANet/Electronic Forms, TEAM Forms Questions? See Linda Sorkin, TCR
16 TEAM Project Life Cycle 1. Project Application Created 2. Project Number Assigned 3. Project Is Submitted 4. Concurrences And Approvals Are Obtained 5. Funds Are Reserved to Project 6. Project Awarded 7. Project Award Executed 8. Project Managed 9. Project Closed
17 The TEAM System A Few Basics to Get You Started…
18 Getting TEAM Access Request username and password through your Team Local Security Manager User access forms o FTANet, Electronic Forms, Under TEAM Forms o Posted on the TEAM Home Page
19 TEAM: Logging IN … Open Internet Explorer o Username and password Select your Database o Production (REAL Working Data!) o Quality Assurance (This is a copy of Production made every night – use it to test & play) o Training (Used only for special training scenarios) Verify the database you are connected to by the title bar on the browser window
20 TEAM: Logging OUT … When exiting TEAM, Select “Exit” from the bottom of the TEAM Menu If you exit any other way, you will lock up the project record you were working in
21 Standards & Conventions Menu Bar at Left o Main Menu – (Home) Location for notices, memos, reports, files, links, and other items of interest to TEAM users o Menu Headers (begin with a + or a - ) Expand or contract the list of options under each heading by clicking the + or - Clicking on the header brings up a Query Window for you to search for a Recipient or Project Application to work with
22 Standards & Conventions, continued Query Windows o TEAM is not case sensitive when searching Project Applications or Recipients. o Project numbers need not have dashes in the Query Applications window o If you don’t know the exact project number – you can put in a partial number and TEAM will find anything that matches.
23 Standards & Conventions, continued Data Entry Window Icons o Red X - Cancel o Green check - Save o Magnifying Glass - look up a value from a list of codes o Printer Icon – Opens the Applications/View/Print Window o Diskette – saves the changes you have made in a data entry window o Diskette with Red Ban sign – discards the changes you have made in a data entry window o A Blue Outline around any field on a data entry window indicates you can edit that value
24 Standards & Conventions, continued Attachments o The title of the attachment window indicates which level you are attaching to Recipient Level: click Paper Clip from a Recipient Record to access Attachment Folders Project Application Level: click Paper Clip from a Project Application Record to access Attachment Folders You can also switch to other amendments using the dropdown found on the top of this window
25 Standards & Conventions, continued Cutting, Pasting & Printing o Standard Windows Stuff CTRL-C is the Clipboard “Copy to” for highlighted items CTRL-X is the Clipboard “Cut to” for highlighted items CTRL-V is the Clipboard “Paste from” for highlighted items ALT-PRINTSCREEN will copy a screenshot of the Active Window to the Clipboard. CTRL-PRINTSCREEN will copy a screenshot of the Windows Desktop to the Clipboard. o TEAM Applications,View/Print allows you to view, save, and/or print Recipient and Project Data in a single document format.
26 TEAM Project Number DC – Recipient State DC – Section Code DC – Activity/ Cost Center DC – Sequence # DC – Amendment (must match the funding you reserve!) If it is a GRANT, it MUST be 0 or X if multiple financial purpose codes are to be used for funding, if non-grant, use the 2 nd digit of your cost center code
27 TEAM Recipient ID Unique 4 digit number for all FTA Recipients Examples: 1398 WMATA 1211 KALAMAZOO METRO TRANSIT
28 Account Classification Code Example: – Funding Fiscal Year – Appropriation Code – Section ID – Limitation – Type Authority Be absolutely certain that you are using the correct code to reserve funds for your projects!!! There are many new codes from SAFETEA-LU!!!
29 Codes, Codes and more Codes Activity Line Item (ALI) Tree Account Classification Codes o Section & Limitation Codes http :// ftateamweb.fta.dot.gov/static/FTAreports/2006_reportfiles/FinalFTA8011.PDF Other Codes? o TEAM Code Lookup Reference
30 Cost Center Codes CODEDESC 62000TAD 63000TCC 64000TCA 65000TPM 65100Security Supplemental Funds for Transit Security PL Supplemental Projects Funds from Public Law pg Supplemental Projects Orig. used for LMRO (no longer in use) TBP 67000TRI 68000TCR 69000TAD central account 71000TPE 72000LMRO 74000TSS 78100Region Region Region Region Region Region Region Region Region Region TRI
31 Getting Help TEAM Home Page o User’s Guide o TEAM Guidance-HQ Systems issues: o Problems with projects in TEAM: see your. o TEAM Local Security Manager