Business Analysis International Rapid Customization and Support for TOGAF January 24, 2002 Process Renewal Group Partner Beryl Bellman, PhD
January 24, 2002Page 2 Business Analysis International (The BAI Network) The BAI Network is an alliance of business solution providers focused on helping organizations integrate and manage their capabilities through proven methods and enabling technologies. “The more businesses change, the more they must concern themselves with their stakeholder relationships and manage their processes so that technologies and organization designs have a common business purpose.” -Roger Burlton Business Process Management – Profiting from Process
January 24, 2002Page 3 Presentation Outline Case Study Ptech FrameWork's Capability to Capture Methods – Process Management Methodology from PRG Architecture Building Blocks for Enterprise Architecture Tool Capabilities Customization Reporting Analysis Strengths & Weakness Demo
January 24, 2002Page 4 Case Study – PRG Method Captured in Ptech FrameWork Funded by ABN-AMRO Purpose: Understand as-is / to-be Stakeholder Analysis & Process Architecture Three Key People: PRG Methodologist / Tool Architect / ABN-AMRO Domain Expert Duration: Automate Methodology in the tool – less than 3 months
January 24, 2002Page 5 Case Study – Process Management Methodology Developed by Roger Burlton: Process Renewal Group – Strengths: Stakeholder Analysis, Performance Scorecards, Process Management Recent Book: Business Process Management – Profiting From Process
January 24, Process Management Methodology Business Context Architect & Align Process Vision (Each Process) Understand Renew Develop Implement Nurture & Continuously Improve Commitment Management Project Management Quality / Risk Management
January 24, 2002Page 7 Case Study – Process Management Methodology customized by FrameWork Toolkit Customized Instance Data Metamodel
January 24, 2002Page 8 Case Study – HTML Reporting Capabilities
January 24, 2002Page 9 Case Study – Analysis Capabilities – Graphical Queries
January 24, 2002Page 10 Ptech Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Weaknesses: Customization Capability Visual Representation Object-oriented approach Multiple Modeling Techniques Visual Representation and Reporting KnowledgeGateway Lack of multi-user capability Price Learning Curve
January 24, 2002Page 11 BAI Offering Capture any methodology within 30 days Provide added capabilities (analysis, queries, forms, reports, etc) Expertise in Enterprise Architecture, Knowledge Management and BPR Help with marketing & sales support for business development
January 24, 2002Page 12 The End