In this presentation I am going to talk about different software that can be used to create and manipulate 3D models and applications
3D Software Application There are a variety of different software and tools used for 3D modelling, each have their own pros and cons. A few examples are: 3DS Max MAYA ZBrush Cinema 4D
3DS Max Autodesk 3DS Max is powerful 3D application software, designed to being to create 3D models, animations, renders and provide comfortable tools for artists and designers. 3D Modelling Shading & Texturing Animation Rendering Dynamics, Effects & Simulation Pipeline Integration Collaborative Workflows 3DS Max Composite
Unique Feature The Autodesk 3ds Max SDK (Software Developer Kit) can be used to help extend and implement virtually every aspect of the Autodesk 3ds Max application, including scene geometry, animation controllers, camera effects, and atmospherics.
3DS Max Taking advantage of 3DS Max’s ability to produce such high resolution 3D models, combined with the its amazing shadowing, texturing and pipeline intergration… EA’s Crysis have been produced with stunning graphics setting a new standard in FPS gaming…
Maya Autodesk Maya is quite similar in functions to 3DS Max, it provides powerful integrated 3D modelling, animation and brilliant visual effects, the quality of Maya seems to be more of a priority in Maya than 3DS Max (probably for the better).
Maya Autodesk Maya was one of the essential development software’s in creating Deus Ex: Human Revolutions… The other two being; 3DS Max and MotionBuilder… Due to Maya’s quality being slightly better than its competitor’s Square Enix decided to use this to get the best high quality renders possible…
Cinema 4D Unlike 3DS Max, Maya and Softimage, Cinema 4D is not an adobe branded software in instead was created by Maxon however this does not detract from the quality and functionality of this development software as Maxon is another great company… Cinema 4D allows you to easily and amazingly enhance 2D artwork and transform them into 3D elements, through use of import options such as: Illustrator and/ or EPS…
Autodesk Softimage software is a high-performance 3D character animation and visual effects application. Just like 3DS Max and Maya it is able to create very detailed and vivid imagery both 3D and 2D… However due to Soft Image’s specialties, this application can utilize Interactive Creative Environment and the Autodesk’s Face Robot facial animation toolset much more adeptly, also extending on Maya’s and 3DS Max’s software pipelines and with even newer advances like the high- fidelity interactive environment with extended customizability, Softimage enables you to create much more visually stunning effects. Metal Gear Solid 4 using Softimage to enhance Snake’s visuals… Softimage
Mudbox As you can see, Mudbox has had an incredible influence on the lighting, shadowing on this game’s environment creating the perfect atmosphere for its genre… Autodesk Mudbox is responsible for the brilliantly crafted scenery and environment in the game ‘Alan Wake’… Mudbox features more realistic and 3D accurate shadowing and ambient occlusion, as well as a choice light types including HDR image-based lighting…
ZBrush Zbrush is a brilliant program when it comes to creating extremely detailed models and high quality renders. Visually I would argue that Zbrush excels as a 3D modelling application however it lacks certain functions like animation Due to Zbrush’s powerful time-saving capabilities, many big time companies like Ubisoft, Square Enix and even Sega find themselves sometimes dependent on it Here’s an example of Mortal Kombat 9, whose models created on Zbrush