LONDON HEALTHY WORKPLACE CHARTER C3 Workplace Health Movement Thursday 1 October 2015
Almost 14 million working days a year are lost to sickness absence in London. An average London firm of 250 employees can lose up to £250,000 a year, or £4,800 per week, due to sickness absence. Physically active workers take 27% fewer sick days than non-physically active counterparts. Happier workers are 12 per cent more productive than average, with unhappy workers 10 per cent less productive. WHY HEALTH AND WORK?
A structured framework to recognise and support business investment in staff health and well-being WHAT IS THE LONDON HEALTHY WORKPLACE CHARTER?
HOW DOES IT WORK? Businesses provide evidence against a number of standards across eight areas: 1.Corporate support for wellbeing 2.Attendance management 3.Health & Safety 4.Healthy eating 5.Physical activity 6.Mental health & wellbeing 7.Alcohol & substance misuse 8.Smoking Commitment Achievement Excellence Three levels of award:
Structured tool which is free to use and connects the employer to support at a local and pan London level Independent and external validation of organisation’s investment in staff health and well-being Charter award can improve staff morale and the outward- facing image of the organisation – helps with staff retention and recruitment WHAT’S IN IT FOR AN EMPLOYER? Opportunity to learn from others through participating in the verification days and at the annual awards ceremony
68 accredited employers, covering over 178,000 employees and including seventeen London boroughs as employers From Shell to Stanmore College, New England Seafood to Novotel Greenwich, employers of all sizes and sectors are signing up to the Charter Over 70 employers currently working towards accreditation WHERE ARE WE NOW?
Our website: place CONTACT DETAILS