©2015 Cleo. Moving Mountains (of Data) PRESENTER Title 2 Enterprise Data Movement
10% 90% Big Bang 90% of the World’s Data was created in the last 2 years
Business is driving a Data Explosion to better compete 2008: 11.3 exabytes 2015: 226 exabytes
About Cleo years of data integration. 100K More than 100,000 installations countries with Cleo software installations. 100% Virtually every customer renews with Cleo. Companies need to move data both within their enterprise and beyond. They want to view data insights and act with informed decisions. Cleo makes it easy! Cleo offers enterprise integration software solutions that are exceptionally easy to install and use. 3 key Cleo product areas : Secure Data Integration Secure File Sharing Big Data Gateway
Thousands of Cleo customers 6
Cleo Solves Business Problems 7 Moving Big Data High Speed Data Transfer B2B Document Exchange Secure File Sharing
Moving Big Data
Undersolved Business Problem 60% of hundreds of surveyed executives say that Big Data will “disrupt” their industry within 3 years Most companies are early in implementing and proving out Big Data capability and value To gain advantage, companies will need to operationalize systematic ingestion of massive amounts of data from within their enterprise and from partners (suppliers, customers, etc.) to implement Big Data value and sustain gains Companies need to speed production implementation of Big Data projects, assure and safeguard data flows, and track/govern data Existing company infrastructure to move data will not scale to meet Big Data project requirements 9
Cleo moves Big Data 10 Centrally manage, track, secure, and govern the movement and format of big data in the right sequence for the right purpose. Gateway Infrastructure: connectivity deployed: dynamic and elastic provisioning for software, OS, and hardware to send/receive data routing throughout your infrastructure and beyond enterprise-grade security, authentication and HA ESB Extension Carrier-grade Scale Hadoop & BD APIs Message-oriented A2A integration flows that can easily extend to handle x-large files and support asynchronous coordination Protocols (connectors and adapters) used to allow for native data movement with Big Data systems (HDFS, HBase, Cassandra, S3, etc.) A single platform architected for elasticity and scalability to support modern web-scale infrastructure volumes
High Speed File Transfer
Undersolved Business Problems Companies have really large files and need to send them out. It takes too long (hours or days) to send some of them, because the files have gotten so large. Examples: Databases, Point of sale master files, Claims processing master files, transaction logs, data backups, multi-media repositories, etc. Sometimes the data is being moved from partners into the enterprise. Sometimes the data is being move from the enterprise to partners or off- site storage. Companies need to impose strict standards of security on data in motion, track receipt of data, track the flow of transactions from multiple points, and report on the status of transfers and transactions. Companies with Big Data initiatives, need to more large amounts of data into their Big Data repositories. Operational benefit entails reliable movement of the data with tracking, alerts, and reporting. 12
Cleo is the FASTEST 13 (Gigabytes of data transferred in 90 seconds) Move Data 90% to 345% Faster Cleo advantages No network-imposed speed constraints Built-in security and reliability TCP based: easier on the firewall Multiple platform support More CPU-efficient than alternatives Bilateral deployment Cleo-to-Cleo acceleration Mutual key-based authentication Check-point restart on any and all threads Data integrity Companies have more data. Data is getting bigger. Data needs to move faster.
B2B Document Exchange
Undersolved Business Problems Companies need to connect to dozens/hundreds/thousands of our suppliers, logistics providers, customers, partners. Connections need to be reliable, secure, and tracked. These connections serve as automated system-to-system business processes such as orders/invoices. Companies need to connect better internally: remote manufacturing sites, store locations, distribution centers, data centers, remote operations. Companies need to support lots of different communication protocols, data formats, and SLAs that customers demand. They need to receive and send messages in lots of different data formats (EDI, XML, Spreadsheets, etc.) Companies need to setup connections quickly so they can onboard faster and get to new revenue sooner. 15
Need to connect and exchange docs with other companies? 16 There are dozens of secure communication protocols (FTP/s, AS2, SSH) and data formats to support. Your company may not be in a position to dictate which protocol and format is used in all cases. It’s best if you can say, “YES, we support that!” and get connected with your trading partners in minutes instead of weeks or months. It’s best if you can do it without purchasing yet another software package to separately speak another protocol and hire expensive consultants to implement and operate it. It’s best if you can reliably scale to meet all of your company’s B2B communication needs.
Cleo is most scalable 17 Key figures from some of our larger individual implementations: Several implementations with over 1 million documents per hour Approximately 23,000 secure external end-point connections in our largest single implementation to date Massive data throughput of over 100Gb/hour Clustered, Multi-threaded, Ready for Massive Scale* * without consultants!
Secure File Sharing
Undersolved Business Problem Companies need to share files with our business partners (suppliers, customers, etc.) so that various team members can collaborate. Companies need to keep control of the files so that we can ensure that we prevent data loss, control who can see them, revoke access to off- boarded team members, and comply with regulations. Companies in certain industries such as financial services and healthcare cannot accept data being shared in public cloud infrastructure. 19
Need to Equip Your Company With Secure File Sharing? Most companies have an untold number of users sharing sensitive company data in undocumented and uncontrolled cloud structures in order to work offsite, collaborate with outside partners, etc. How secure is your company’s sensitive data? 20
Does This Look Familiar?! 21 SFTP FTPS Server FTP Server Rogue FTP Server Cloud File Sharing Cloud File Sharing Cloud File Sharing Cloud File Sharing Rogue Cloud File Sharing Cloud File Sharing Rogue Cloud File Sharing
IT Realities Enterprise File Sync & Share 22 “...the majority of data loss or data exposure incidents are the result not of the malicious actions of outsiders, but of the inadvertent and well- intentioned actions of insiders.” Aberdeen Group Left to Their Own Devices: Does Your Company Have a “Dropbox Problem”?
Cleo’s Secure File Sharing 23 Sharepoint Systems of Record Web Collaboration Workspaces BYOD Automated Processes Multi-Function Printers/Scanners & Document Management Solutions
Cleo Product Innovation Citizen Integration Notify Cleo LexiCom Cleo VLNavigator Cleo VLTrader Cleo VLProxy AS2 Certified Active Sync SMTP SSH AS3 EBMS Dashboards OFTP2 FIPS System Monitoring WS Client Transform URI Cleo Healthcare Cleo Trust Cleo Unify Cleo Harmony Cleo Jetsonic 25 Secure Protocol Client Software Server Protocol Mini-Hub Software Protocol Agnosti- cation Secure File Integration Gateway Secure File Sharing Big Data Streaming World’s Fastest Data Mover
Cleo has grown 3X in 3 Years Revenue Employee Count Product Lines Locations Partners Customers 26 3X YOY Revenue