And a little bit about hypertension… YOUR HEART & EXERCISE
Your HEART… Muscle Heart Disease: Coronary heart disease Build-up of waxy plaque in arteries Heart attack Myocardial infarction Congestive heart failure Heart pumps slower Lots of strain Chambers can become thick and inflexible Chambers may stretch to fill with more blood Congenital heart failure Prevention: Diet (more later!) Quitting/never smoking Lowering cholesterol (diet!) Controlling hypertension (diet!) Maintaining healthy weight (Diet! Exercise!) Exercise….
Exercise What kinds: Aerobic Running, jogging, biking, swimming, “cardio”, salsa dancing, zumba….. Strength training Lifting weights Recommended: 30 minutes a day of moderate exercise 2.5 hours a week of moderate exercise 1.5 hours a week of intense exercise Adults should weight train 2x a week!
Why Exercise? Muscle… The stronger it is the more blood it can pump with each beat with less strain Resting HR is slower for people who exercise because more blood is pumped with less effort Reduces inflammation in the arteries Keeps blood vessels open and flexible Helps lower “bad” LDL cholesterol levels (which make plaque!)