Focus Read Write
Identify the school Identify the class Video Tape a scripted welcome
Why did students get placed in this class? What does this class help students with?
Why this class should be at every school.
Grade Killer Sheet Binder Checks Backpack Checks Catch-Up Friday Other English Class help Grade Monitoring Personal Testimony
Independent Reading 20 min per day In Class Independent Reading 10 min per day (Why class time to read is important) Reading from purple book CRAPPS and Flow Maps Biology/Textbooks = making meaning and note- taking Reading Meetings During In-Class Reading with Targeted reading strategies Library Personal Testimony about Reading Activities
Prompt Attack (What do the directions ask you to do?) underlinig Getting Started (stealing your opening from the prompt) Paragraph Building: Hamburger/Color Coding Hopscotch- What it is and How it helps. Sentence Frames Personal Testimony about Writing