Setting up the project Data Book Write your first and last name, and biology period on the front cover in marker. Get 2 Post-It Notes. You need a pen with blue or black ink. No pencils.
You must follow several rules when writing in your Data Book: All entries must be in blue or black ink. Write only on the front of each page. Never erase a mistake. Don’t use white-out and don’t completely blot out the error.
The first page of the project data book is the title page. The title of your project goes in the center of the page. Leave the center blank for now. Don’t forget to add the title later. In the lower right-hand corner write your first and last name West Port High School Ms. Revels Biology, class period
The second page is your table of contents. List these topics down the left side: Acknowledgements Research Purpose Hypothesis Materials Procedures Experiment Analysis Conclusion. 1 2 Now add ONLY these two page numbers. Remember to add the rest of the page numbers as you complete sections.
Number the remaining pages in the upper right hand corner on the front of the page only.
Title page number 1 Acknowledgements. This is where you express appreciation to individuals or businesses that have personally helped you. DO NOT acknowledge human test subjects. Not for research sources. Personal help only.
Title page number 2 Research. For every source write the following information on the page before you begin taking notes: Author Date of publication Title(s) Book Article title and magazine title Website title Publication information City: Publisher Volume number, issue number Sponsor of website URL address for on-line sources Page numbers for print sources If you copy information from product labels, credit the manufacturer and label. Author Date(s) Title(s) Book Article Website Publication information Publisher/city Volume /issue Data base Website sponser URL address Page numbers
You are NOT trying to find someone else who has done your experiment to find out their results. Do not print documents and tape them into your data book. Your notes must be written into your book. If you use animals in your research, you MUST have research notes on their care. If you use chemicals, you MUST have research notes on safe handling and proper disposal. If you use bacteria or fungi, you MUST have research notes on safe handling and disposal.
These instructions are available on my website in the ‘Science Fair Resources’. TURN IN YOUR BOOK.