Follow these directions: Pull a card from the box/bag at door. Using that card, locate its match and sit. Place both cards side by side. You need a pen or pencil today. Sit quietly.
Attendance!!!! Be in class when the class starts. Any student not in their seat at the beginning of class will be marked Tardy. This class will follow the attendance procedure outlined in the student handbook. It is the responsibility of the student to contact the teacher the first day back from being absent.
REMEMBER: If you suddenly get beach fever and miss class, you risk an unexcused absence. This means a 0 for all assignments/grades for that hour.
Test/Quiz Make-up: Test/Quiz make-up day is Thursdays after school. This is the only time allotted for this purpose. If the student fails to make up a test or quiz, a zero will be placed in the grade book. The test will start exactly 10 minutes after the dismissal bell. Any student not in class on time will forfeit this opportunity. Students have 1 week to make-up tests/quizzes.
Homework: Homework is due as the student enters the classroom. Any homework not turned in at the beginning of class will receive a zero. Any assignment not fully completed will receive a zero. Messy homework will receive a zero.
Homework: Any homework without a name clearly written on it will receive a zero. Any homework not written in regular blue or black pen or normal colored pencil will receive a zero. Any copied homework or homework done in class will receive a zero.
PURSES Purses must remain under the student’s desk at all times or will no longer be allowed in class. Purses may NOT be on your desk or on your lap. If this is a problem, then leave it in your locker.
Materials Needed Daily Textbook 3 ring binder (workbook packets, lesson packets) Homework Pencil/Pen.
KEEP IT CLEAN!!!!!! And the teacher said, “Thou shall clean up after thyself for this is not thy house!”
Dress Appropriately « Clothing that is disruptive to the educational environment is NOT acceptable. » LCHS Dress Code
What’s wrong with this picture?
Classroom Expectations and Rules: RESPECTFUL Treat others the way we wish to be treated. Are friendly to others. Are trustworthy at all times. Use acceptable language at all times.
Classroom Expectations and Rules: RESPONSIBLE *Are cooperative in class and hallways. * Are prepared for class and activities. * Completes assigned tasks on time. * Accepts the consequences of their actions. *Comes to the aid of one in need.
What will happen if a rule is broken?
Strike 1: Warning Strike 2: Move Seat/Call home Strike 3: You’re Out! Sent to Office! Unprepared Nonstop chatter Cell phones Not working Sleeping Minor Inappropriate Language Doesn’t Follow Directions Mild Disruption Purses Bags
GAME OVER! YOU’RE OUTTA HERE! GO STRAIGHT TO THE OFFICE! More than 3 strikes Fighting Drugs Argue w/Teacher Insubordination Cheating Disrespectful Moderate to Severe Disruption Dress Code
Unprepared Warning Move Seat Call Office Nonstop chatter Warning Move Seat Call Office Cell phone Warning Move Seat Call Office Mild Disruption Warning Move Seat Call Office Directions Warning Move Seat Call Office Inappropriate Language Warning Move Seat Call Office Sleeping Warning Move Seat Call Office Purses/Bags Warning Move Seat Call Office More than 3 strikes Office Fighting Office Drugs Office Disruption Office Arguing w/Teacher Office Insubordination Office Cheating Office Disrespectful Office Dress Code Office STUDENT NAME:__________________ Strike 1Strike 2Strike 3 Strike 4 Game Over Strike 5 Game Over
What will the office do if a student is sent there?
What about the majority of students who behave and do what they are supposed to do?
Positive Rewards Students will be given Reward Tickets for a weekly drawing for prizes from the Reward Chest. In addition, those tickets will also be placed in a marking period drawing and a semester drawing for bigger prizes. Students earn these Reward Tickets for having zero strikes for the week. Students may also earn Reward Tickets by additional positive actions.
Positive Rewards In addition, students may receive Lancer Loot tickets for the school-wide weekly drawing. Students receive this if caught demonstrating the LCHS Core Values.