DISCUSSION: CREATING A NORTHWEST LIBRARY RESEARCH NETWORK Robin Paynter, Portland State University Laura Zeigen, Oregon Health & Science Univ.
What? Start Orbis Cascade Alliance interest group focused on library research “Interest Groups are informal discussion groups organized around a professional topic of interest to the membership. Interest Groups arise from the membership and consist of a Facilitator and self-indentified participants from at least seven member institutions. Interest Groups are provided with an Alliance list but receive no consortium support for meetings.”
Why? “For a profession that spends its time identifying, organizing and retrieving research evidence, librarians are not known for their own utilization of researching findings.” (Booth, 2002) Crumley E., et al. (2002). Developing evidence-based librarianship: practical steps for implementation. Health Information and Libraries Journal 19: Evidence Based Library and Information Practice
Why? Assessment Self-advocacy Unique, ever-changing environments Create better quality instruments Capitalize on strengths across institutions Advance needed research quickly Utilize available collaborative networks to …
How? Seeking grant support to fund research activities Examples of cooperative research utilized elsewhere University Investment in the Library: What's the Return? A Case Study at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Statewide Serial Collection Assessments ILLINOIS: Chrzatowski, T.E., et al. (2007). Feast and famine: A statewide science serial collection assessment in Illinois. College & Research Libraries (November): VIRGINIA: Metz, P. and Gasser, S. (2006). Analyzing current serials in Virginia: An application of the Ulrich’s Serials Analysis System. Portal: Libraries and the Academy 6: 5-21.
University of Rochester Hired an anthropologist! Compared to other sites Useful for many reasons Assessment needs both quantitative AND qualitative data Qualitative research helps unearth needs, tell stories of library’s use du/docushare/dsweb/View/C ollection du/docushare/dsweb/View/C ollection-4436
Benefits Larger data pool Development of valid/reliable instruments Drawing on people’s expertise in various domains Potential for consortial purchases Research in rotation One year focus on collection development research Next year on user services Next year on web
Benefits (continued) Different areas/possible applications: Instruction – pre-/post- test instruments Web site design – usability testing metrics Collection Development – Scholarly Stats / Ulrich’s Serials Analysis System Developing in-house tools Example: PSU’s Survey Research Lab ( develops high quality instruments for a fee. Consortial division of fee cheaper than each institution creating its own in-house instrument and end product higher quality
When? Next steps Apply to start an Orbis-Cascade Alliance interest group Start communicating with each other Start creating a repository (wiki) for research instruments and tools that may be of use
Resources To subscribe to the listserv Until we have an official Orbis Cascade list To subscribe to the wiki Orbis Cascade Alliance resources (if an official research interest group)
Contacts Robin Paynter, MA-Library Science Social Sciences Librarian Portland State University Laura Zeigen, MA, MLIS Systems & Web Development Librarian Oregon Health & Science University