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The colours © Heidi Behrens
weiß grau
schwarz bunt
orange rot
purpurrot rosa
(dunkel) blau (hell) blau (dark) (light)
lila grün
beige braun
Play games with the pictures on the next slide! Welche Nummer ist das? On the next slide you will see 15 colours with numbers beside them. Your teacher will say the German word for one of the colours and ask:Welche Nummer ist das? (which number is that?) You then have to call out the correct number Wort Lotto: Write down 6 numbers from 1 – 12. Your teacher will call up the name of a colour, you have to look at the picture and the number beside it and check whether it was one of your six choices. The first to have all 6 numbers shouts out Lotto! Was ist Nummer...? Your teacher calls out: Was ist Nummer...? You have to say the word in German, e.g. rot.
weißgrauschwarzgelb orangerotpurpurrotrosa (hell)blau(dunkel)blaulilagrün beigebraunbunt