Communicating effectively with e-resources stakeholders Angela Rathmel Head of Acquisitions & Resource Sharing
About me Ambivert Not always great at it Grew better through music, teaching, psychology Influenced professionally: Strengths and Vulnerability, Dervin. Everyone his/her e-resource
Teamwork 4.4. Demonstrating the ability to work collaboratively with other units and staff, establishing and maintain effective working relationships.
Messaging and Empathy 4.1 Communicating effectively, promptly, and consistently, verbally and in writing, with a broad range of internal and external audiences: users, colleagues and staff, subscription agents, and vendors; the ERL must be able to tailor the message(s) to the circumstances and to the audience as needed. TAILOR THE MESSAGE 4.5 Demonstrating the ability to frame situations according to the others’ perspective to recruit assistance with troubleshooting from vendors, agents, consortium partners, IT support, student/faculty users, etc. EMPATHY
Empathy - How? Active listening Join committees Smile, small talk Reference desk shifts Regular meetings Img sourceImg source | author and © unknown
Less is more 4.2 Synthesizing [into] easy to understand summaries of complex and ambiguous phenomena. ERLs often serve as the library’s liaison with external stakeholders such as vendors or institutional information technology staff.
Less is more - How? Empathy, again. Terminology, jargon Questioning (Reference Interview) “Tell me more about that…” Start small Don’t bury the lead Img source Img source | Fair use of album cover art © Def Jam Recordings Image: cover of "What Do You Mean" by Justin Bieber
Just the facts, ma’am… 4.3 Explaining and instructing clearly and concisely, when and as needed; rises above personal feelings and frustrations in order to provide the best possible services and resources to end users. INFORMATION MANAGMENT 4.7 Recognizing the need for data, selecting appropriate data analysis methods and utilizing data (e.g. resource usage statistics) persuasively to inform decision making.
Information Management – How? Improve (personal task tracking, shared accounts) Web forms Ticketing systems Spotlights vs Lobs (Feather, 2007).
Other How? Emotional Intelligence (for you), Empathy (for others) Strengths Facilitation, project management Practice, practice, practice Brene Brown on Empathy
How’d I do? 4.8. Making presentations that are clear and comprehensive.
Resources Ingred Bens (2012). Facilitation at a glance! : your pocket guide to facilitation. Salem, NH: GOAL/QPC. Brene Brown (2015). Rising strong. New York: Spiegel & Grau. Brene Brown (2012). Daring greatly: how the courage to be vulnerable transforms the way we live, love, parent, and lead. New York: Gotham Press. Marcus Buckingham (2007). Go put your strengths to work : 6 powerful steps to achieve outstanding performance. New York: Free Press. Brenda Dervin, Lois Forman-Wernet, and Eric Lauterbach (2003). Sense-making methodology reader: selected writings of Brenda Dervin. Cresskill, N.J: Hampton Press Celeste Feather (2007). Electronic Resources Communication Management: a Strategy for Success. Library Resources & Technical Services, 51 (3) Angela Rathmel, Liisa Mobley, Buddy Pennington & Adam Chandler (2015). Tools, Techniques, and Training: Results of an E-Resources Troubleshooting Survey, Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship, 27:2,