This is my first year at Millennium, and in District 153. I spent the last four years taking care of my boys. I have 4 awesome, active boys! Oh, and my husband’s pretty great too I graduated from DePaul University in 2001 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education. I went back for my Master’s and graduated in I became a certified Reading Teacher that same year. I love to read and enjoy sharing books! Ask me about my favorites! I have over 7 years of teaching experience, ranging from 2 nd grade to 5 th grade. My hobbies include reading, playing sports (volleyball & softball), crafting, and watching my kids play.
CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS Treat everyone with courtesy and respect Follow the teacher’s directions Have materials on hand and complete work on time No excessive talking or silly behavior Follow directions and rules while outside of class
CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS Consequences Teacher’s choice Removal from activity Parent contact Principal/Dean’s office Saturday School Rewards/Incentives Participation in activity Rock Star Rewards Free Choice Friday Positive notes home Sense of pride
System of 4 color coded cards Blue = Rock Star Green = Ready to Rock Orange = Needs an Intermission Red = Show Cancelled* Each student card is changed daily to reflect their good/bad choices. At the end of the week, if a student gets to Blue 4 out of 5 days, they can pick 1 coupon from a set of Rock Star Rewards. * A Red Card gets a note/ /phone call home ROCK STAR REWARDS WE ARE ALL ROCK STARS! Rock Star Rewards Incentive Coupons to reward positive student behavior and good choices. Some examples include: Chose your partner 5 bonus points Homework Pass 10 minutes extra Free Choice time Lunch with a friend and Mrs. Kane
HOMEROOM 8:20-8:35 This is a time to get ready and focused for the day. Students can use this time to: turn in notes/lunch money to the office, get ready for math, read quietly, or work on an activity provided by the teacher.
MATH 8:37-9:27 GoMath book series (Text and Workbook). Can be accessed using Think Central. Students have a Math Folder which all notes, work papers (Problem of the Day, practice worksheets), and vocabulary is held. Whole class skill introduction using videos, animated modules, or smart board activities Move on to independent practice of skill. I check for student’s understanding, then students move to small group reteach, further practice, or enrichment. Activities will be a mix of cooperative learning groups and independent work.
READING/LANGUAGE ARTS 11:00-12:30 First 60 minutes: Whole group instruction Partner activities that focus on reading/comprehension strategies Vocabulary instruction Skills focus on grammar, spelling, and writing Final 30 minutes: Guided reading-students work in flexible groups Students are working on enrichment, remediation, center activities
SOCIAL STUDIES 1:49-2:30 Text: World History Topics include Geography, Early Man, the ancient Egyptian, Greek & Roman civilizations, Middle Ages & Renaissance. Hands-on projects, connections to modern-day countries through current events and media. Textbook is not available online
10 TH PERIOD Band, Orchestra, or Choir meet on designated days Extended Math: Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays Students return to their math teacher for extra practice, enrichment, or remediation. Extended Reading: Tuesdays Students return to their reading teacher (for most students in class, that’s me!) to work on guided reading/center activities. Free Choice Fridays: (students cannot have any missing assignments for the week to participate) Students can relax a bit after a long week of working hard! Activities will include a game center, computer time, magazines, and videos.
BEFORE YOU LEAVE Make sure to sign up for Parent Teacher Conferences Stop by Mrs. Kane to say Hi! Stop in your child’s Math, Reading/Language Arts/EXCEL class, or Guided Study classroom. Say hello to the teacher! Grab any important papers off the front table: Parent Portal, your child’s schedule, office handouts. Take a look at the Teacher Wish List board.