Learning, Behavior and Strategies
“No Teaching Without Learning” Freire, 1998 Most behaviors in the classroom, that impact academic progress are: escape/avoidance attention
Understand the ABCs of Behavior LOOK AT ENVIRONMENT to change Behavior What happens before behavior Antecedent What happens after behavior Consequence
When you understand behavior: 1. Build positive student/teacher interaction 2. Increase time on task 3. Increase positive feedback 4. Increase responding
5. Avoid escalation of behavior 6. Can monitor relevant behavior 7. Efficiently redirect
Active Student Responding Motivate End hand raising- Use name sticks or name cards Unison or Choral responding Active Pacing
Correct Errorless Correction No fishing
Reinforce Positive Relevant Short Reward
Increase academic engaged time Active listening versus passive listening Level of expectation: Teach at instructional level Consistency Transition activities
Strategies: A Behavioral Approach CREATE ENVIRONMENT TO ELICIT BEHAVIOR Reward behavior you want Ignore behaviors you don’t want Provide replacement behavior
Whole Body Listening Michelle Garcia Winner- Think Social Listening with the whole body Being part of the group Expected and Unexpected behaviors Video modeling
Alertness and Self- Regulation How Does Your Engine Run? Mary Sue Williams, Sherry Shellenberger Students learn to monitor level of alertness- self-regulation Engine Level: High, Low, Just Right Increase active participation Sensory integration
Alertness Activities Deep Breathing Fidgets Hand Pulls/Pushes “Popcorn” 100 seconds of Exercise-Crossing the middle
Executive Functioning Managing Self, Materials and Time Flexibility Memory Emotional control Impulsivity
Impact on Academics Planning/seeking help when needed Organizing materials Managing time Homework completion Initiating Long Term Projects
Additional Strategies Visual Time-Out Timer On task/ Off task visuals Token economy/rewards Video as an intervention