GALLERY WALK: CHALLENGES & SOLUTIONS 1.Form groups by area. 2.Visit one poster at a time. Read the challenge and brainstorm solutions. Write your ideas using your group’s marker. 3.Rotate at the signal. 4.Read the new challenge and the ideas from the previous group. Write new ideas to respond to the challenge and/or the previous group’s response. 5.When you have reached the poster at which you started, summarize the main points to the whole group.
Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Question 4
Wrap up
QUESTION 1 What is the role of teacher in CLT class? What is the role of teacher in CLT class? What is the role of students in CLT class? What is the role of students in CLT class?
What is the role of teacher in CLT class? Facilitator in in setting up the communicative activities Facilitator in in setting up the communicative activities Need analyst Need analyst Counselor Counselor Group process Group process Manager Manager Establish situation to promote communication Establish situation to promote communication
What is the role of students in CLT class? Communicator Communicator Cooperative Cooperative Collaborating Collaborating Active participants of learner Active participants of learner
QUESTION 2 Give some examples of CLT activities that show the principles. Give some examples of CLT activities that show the principles. How does the teacher activate the interactive activities? How does the teacher activate the interactive activities?
Give some examples of CLT activities that show the principles. Information Gap Information Gap Role play Role play Line up Line up Survey Survey Think- Pair- Share Think- Pair- Share Etc. Etc.
How does the teacher activate the interactive activities? Make sure your students know & remember the new language Make sure your students know & remember the new language Give positive feedback, reward Give positive feedback, reward Set materials promote CLT : text-based activities, task-based activities, realia Set materials promote CLT : text-based activities, task-based activities, realia Clear instuction Clear instuction Pre – While – Post Activities Pre – While – Post Activities
QUESTION 3 How do you work with the concept of Fluency VS Accuracy? How do you work with the concept of Fluency VS Accuracy? What should the teacher do with students’ error? What should the teacher do with students’ error?
How do you work with the concept of Fluency VS Accuracy? Up to the objective of your lesson and situation Up to the objective of your lesson and situation that practice for students that practice for students
What should the teacher do with students’ error? Positive Feedback Positive Feedback Calm down : take note for each students’ error Calm down : take note for each students’ error Correct them later Correct them later
QUESTION 4 Do you think the students need to know the form, meaning and function? Why? Do you think the students need to know the form, meaning and function? Why? Do you think teaching grammar is needed for CLT classroom? Do you think teaching grammar is needed for CLT classroom? Why do you think many Thai teachers do not use CLT? Why do you think many Thai teachers do not use CLT?
Do you think the students need to know the form, meaning and function? Why? Use the correct language that can communicate Do you think teaching grammar is needed for CLT classroom? Correct language that not make Communication break down such as “wet cement”, “soft lady” Do you think teaching grammar is needed for CLT classroom? Correct language that not make Communication break down such as “wet cement”, “soft lady”
REFLECTION 1.Could you use this activity with your primary school students? 2.If so, what year/grade would it be good for? 3.Which of the 4 skills (L, S, R, Wr) does it focus on? 4.Think about multiple intelligences/learning styles. What kinds of learners? 5.What problems do you anticipate with this activity? 6.In general, what are the challenges or difficulties of using gallery walk that you create, adapting tunes to the text in your book?
Thank you for your attention
Exit Card Exit Card Heart Paper = something you like Square Paper = something are questions, problem, dislike Circle Paper = something you can apply in your class, new idea. You do not need to write your name on the card.