2010 Resolutions 1. Get your photo files organized. 2. Back up all of your photo files. 3. Upgrade your photo editing software. 4. Learn some new photo tips, tricks, and techniques. 5. Subscribe to photo magazines.
1. Get your photo files organized. Don’t store all of your images in a single file folder. Use many sub- folders. OR Use photo organizer software like Picasa, Windows Live Photo Gallery, or others.
2. Back up all of your photo files. Copy them onto CDs/DVDs, a second internal or external hard drive, or copy them to an online storage service. External hard drives are very inexpensive now, so why risk losing your images in a hard drive failure? Store it elsewhere!
3. Upgrade your photo editing software. Still using Photoshop Elements 2 ? Version 8 is the current one! Buy an updated version, or switch to a different software program. Adobe Photoshop Elements, GIMP, Adobe Lightroom, Photoshop CS4, Corel Paint Shop Pro X2, etc.
4. Learn some new photo techniques. Macro photography HDR (High Dynamic Range) Panoramic photos Black & White Night shots Action/Sports
5. Subscribe to photo magazines/newsletters. Pop Photo, PC Photo, Shutterbug Outdoor Photographer Digital Photo, American Photo PC World Digital Focus Visit a bookstore to look at other available magazines Read, learn, experiment!