The customer base will be anyone who likes to buy and wear jewelry The only one who can make changes to the site is me Step 1
The audience for this page will be: Women Men People who like to buy jewelry for others Step 2
The purpose of this site is to: Sell my necklaces to the jewelry lover To further expose my jewelry talents to the world Step 3
Here are local jewelry websites Step 4
Site map Home ABOUTCART contactgallery
Scarlet’s Trinkets Banner Home ABOUT SHOP gallery contact CONTENT Footer
Scarlet’s Trinkets Banner Home ABOUT SHOP gallery contact Footer PICTURE
The type of media I will be using Jpg’s text Step 6
Content given to me Logo Images Text Step 7
It will take me 30 hours to finish this site Step 8
Deadline is 5/13/15 Step 9
your server will be the current web host but when I go live I will use hostgator The basic hostgator package will meet my needs, my site isn’t that large Step 10
Changes will be as needed, such as when I make more jewelry (about one a month) Since it is my site, all of the changes will be free. Step 11
For the hosting I’m willing to pay $100 per year For shopping cart, it will be $180 per year Site will be free since I’m making Step 12
if my computer crashes Backups are burned Magnets wipe hard drive Step 13
With a shopping cart and hosting, it will cost about $280 per year The cost of building the site will be free since I'm designing it Grand total: $280 Step 14